[tex-live] Ignoring portion of LaTeX code; the \par problem.

Michaël Cadilhac michael at cadilhac.name
Mon Apr 5 18:33:34 CEST 2010

Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> writes:

> Dear Michaël,
> please *first* learn about TeX before insulting long term contributors
> and people much more knowledgable than you on this list!!!

That wasn't for the fun on insulting people.  I've been treated as a
burden in a situation where I only wanted to report some bug.  I
couldn't understand more colleagues saying that they wouldn't report bug
as it all seems pretty useless.

> There is no apparent bug, there is only a misconception of yours.

I'm willing to agree on that.  I'm a simple user trying to help.

> And here Robin's remark comes in quite handy, even if you threw it away
> with diguise: Look up code in other packages who have dealt with that
> problem already...

Well, I wasn't going to try to solve that one problem in fact, I just
got to this point and was amazed to see that, however you protect \par
from being expanded, it still breaks the argument parsing.  

>> You'd be kind enough not to answer again without having a look at my
>> first message.
> And you could be so kind to excuse for your impoliteness, and check out
> his suggestion.

You are right, I was impolite and I am sorry for that.

Michaël `Micha' Cadilhac (LITQ, U. de Montréal) -- http://michael.cadilhac.name
	|| C'est véritablement un scandale
	||   et probablement une contrepèterie.
	||         -- P. Desproges

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