[tex-live] Trying to install tex-live from the net

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Nov 21 23:28:21 CET 2009

    Downloading http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet/archive/c90.tar.xz
    did not succeed.

The default is to retry 10 times and wait 90 seconds before giving up:

  my $wgetargs = $ENV{"TL_DOWNLOAD_ARGS"}
                 || "--user-agent=texlive --tries=10 --timeout=90 -q -O";

If you think different settings might work better for you, you could set
the TL_DOWNLOAD_ARGS environment variable accordingly, e.g ([ba]sh syntax):

  TL_DOWNLOAD_ARGS="--user-agent=texlive --tries=15 --timeout=200 -q -O"

In any event, the -q -O should always be there or it'll die a horrible

Good luck,

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