texlive[49707] Master: tabu (14jan19)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Mon Jan 14 23:10:48 CET 2019

Revision: 49707
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-01-14 23:10:48 +0100 (Mon, 14 Jan 2019)
Log Message:
tabu (14jan19)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/README	2019-01-14 22:08:11 UTC (rev 49706)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/README	2019-01-14 22:10:48 UTC (rev 49707)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-|            tabu - Flexible LaTeX tabulars               |
-tabu provides a single environment:          tabu
-designed to make all kind of tabulars provided that they do
-not split accross pages.
-tabu is based on array.sty and requires no other package.
-tabu does not modify array.sty nor the classes of tokens.
-Starting from version 1.5, longtabu is provided: based on
-longtable, longtabu allows tabulars to stretch out on
-several pages.
-tabu can be used in place of tabular, tabular* and tabularx
-X columns in tabu can be specified with a width coefficient
-the alignement (l,r,c,j) the column type (p,m,b) or even $.
-tabu also works in math mode and its name remains tabu.
-tabu can contain any type of tabular, array, tabularx
-tabu can be put inside tabular, array, tabularx, tabular*
-\begin{tabu} is like tabular if the preamble has no X column
-\begin{tabu} to <dimen>      specifies the target width
-\begin{tabu} spread <dimen>  enlarge the natural width
-tabu with X columns has a default target if not specified
-(usefull for nested tabus + compatibility with \linegoal)
-tabu provides facilities to change the font and the alignment
-in one row (\rowfont), save and restore the preamble and the
-tabular parameters (\savetabu, \usetabu, \preamble).
-tabu provides other facilities to align numbers in X columns
-draw lines with color, dashed or even leaders. Those facilities
-are provided for convenience: they work as long as the tabu
-preamble does not contain "too special tokens".
-tabu has been tested successfully with many packages related
-to tabulars, cells, alignment...

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/README.md	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/README.md	2019-01-14 22:10:48 UTC (rev 49707)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# tabu
+## Original Tabu README
+##            tabu - Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+tabu provides a single environment:          tabu
+designed to make all kind of tabulars provided that they do
+not split accross pages.
+tabu is based on array.sty and requires no other package.
+tabu does not modify array.sty nor the classes of tokens.
+Starting from version 1.5, longtabu is provided: based on
+longtable, longtabu allows tabulars to stretch out on
+several pages.
+tabu can be used in place of tabular, tabular* and tabularx
+X columns in tabu can be specified with a width coefficient
+the alignement (l,r,c,j) the column type (p,m,b) or even $.
+tabu also works in math mode and its name remains tabu.  
+tabu can contain any type of tabular, array, tabularx  
+tabu can be put inside tabular, array, tabularx, tabular*
+\begin{tabu} is like tabular if the preamble has no X column  
+\begin{tabu} to <dimen>      specifies the target width  
+\begin{tabu} spread <dimen>  enlarge the natural width
+tabu with X columns has a default target if not specified
+(usefull for nested tabus + compatibility with \linegoal)
+tabu provides facilities to change the font and the alignment
+in one row (\rowfont), save and restore the preamble and the
+tabular parameters (\savetabu, \usetabu, \preamble).
+tabu provides other facilities to align numbers in X columns
+draw lines with color, dashed or even leaders. Those facilities
+are provided for convenience: they work as long as the tabu
+preamble does not contain "too special tokens".
+tabu has been tested successfully with many packages related
+to tabulars, cells, alignment...
+- - - -
+## Emergency updates to the LaTeX tabu package
+The original author of tabu appears out of contact, and tabu had not
+been updated for several years, finally becoming unusable in 2019 as
+updates to other packages mean some of its patched code did not work
+as intended.
+The package is not being actively maintained however any major required
+fixes may be reported to the https://github.com/tabu-fixed/tabu repository
+and volunteers there (currently members of the LaTeX3 Team) will attempt
+to update the package with any fixes required.
+## Issues from Stackexchange
+### Fixed in release 2.9
+(Note that this is only a temporary fix reverting the change in array package m column implementation.
+A more complete fix would be to adapt tabu code to the new array.)
+### Not yet handled
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/README.md
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/tabu.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.drv
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.drv	2019-01-14 22:08:11 UTC (rev 49706)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.drv	2019-01-14 22:10:48 UTC (rev 49707)
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tabu.drv',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tabu.dtx  (with options: `driver')
-%% This is a generated file.
-%% Copyright (FC) 2010-2011 - lppl
-%% tabu : 2011/02/26 v2.8 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
-%% **********************************************************************************************
-%% \begin{tabu}               { preamble } => default target: \linewidth or \linegoal
-%% \begin{tabu} to     <dimen>{ preamble } => target specified
-%% \begin{tabu} spread <dimen>{ preamble } => target relative to the ``natural width''
-%%  tabu works in text and in math modes.
-%%  X columns: automatic width ajustment + horizontal and vertical alignment
-%%  \begin{tabu}   { X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml]  }
-%%  Horizontal lines and / or leaders:
-%%         \hline\hline                          => double horizontal line
-%%         \firsthline\hline                     => for nested tabulars
-%%         \lasthline\hline                      => for nested tabulars
-%%         \tabucline[line spec]{column-column}  => ``funny'' lines (dash/leader)
-%%  Automatic lines / leaders :
-%%         \everyrow{\hline\hline}
-%%  Vertical lines and / or leaders:
-%%  \begin{tabu}   { |[3pt red] X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml] |[3pt blue] }
-%%  \begin{tabu}   { |[3pt red] X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml] |[3pt on 2pt off 4pt blue] }
-%%  Fixed vertical spacing adjustment:
-%%         \extrarowheight=<dimen>     \extrarowdepth=<dimen>
-%%    or:     \extrarowsep=<dimen>               => may be prefixed by \global
-%%  Dynamic vertical spacing adjustment:
-%%       \abovetabulinesep=<dimen>  \belowtabulinesep=<dimen>
-%%   or:      \tabulinesep=<dimen>               => may be prefixed by \global
-%%  delarray.sty shortcuts: in math and text modes
-%%  \begin{tabu} ....        \({ preamble }\)
-%%  Algorithms reports:
-%%            \tracingtabu=1             \tracingtabu=2
-%% **********************************************************************************************
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
-%% version. The latest version of this license is in
-%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
-%% and the derived files
-%%    tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
-%% tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
-%% lppl copyright 2010-2011 by FC <florent.chervet at free.fr>
-\def\thisinfo{Flexible \LaTeX{} tabulars (\FC)}
- \gdef\ErrorUpdate#1=#2,{\@ifpackagelater{#1}{#2}{}{\let\CheckDate\errmessage\toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@
-        \thisfile-documentation: updates required !
-              package #1 must be later than #2
-              to compile this documentation.}}}}%
- \gdef\CheckDate#1{{\let\CheckDate\relax\toks@{}\@for\x:=\thisfile=\thisdate,#1\do{\expandafter\ErrorUpdate\x,}\CheckDate\expandafter{\the\toks@}}}}
-\AtBeginDocument{\tracingnesting=1 \DeleteShortVerb{\|}\catcode164=14}
-\usepackage{ltxnew,etoolbox,geometry,graphicx,xcolor,needspace,ragged2e}   % general tools
-\usepackage{lmodern,bbding,hologo,relsize,moresize,manfnt,pifont,upgreek}  % fonts
-\usepackage[official]{eurosym}                                             % font
-\ifx y\microtypeYN                                                         %
-   \usepackage[expansion=all,stretch=20,shrink=60]{microtype}\fi           % font (microtype)
-\usepackage{xspace,tocloft,titlesec,fancyhdr,lastpage,enumitem,marginnote} % paragraphs & pages management
-\usepackage{holtxdoc,bookmark,hypbmsec,enumitem-zref}                      % hyper-links
-\usepackage{array,delarray,longtable,colortbl,multirow,makecell,booktabs}  % tabulars
-\usepackage{tabularx}\tracingtabularx                                      % tabularx
-\usepackage{amsmath,amsopn}                                                % mathematics \DeclareMathOperator in amsopn
-\usepackage[a]{esvect}                                                     % mathematics : for nice vectors arrows
-\usepackage{numprint,xfrac,siunitx}                                        % numbers / units / fractions
-\usepackage{embedfile}                                                     % .dtx enclosed in .pdf
-\usepackage{fancyvrb}\fvset{gobble=0,listparameters={\topsep=0pt}}         % verbatim
-\usepackage{interfaces}                                                    % interfaces (\xE0 tester aussi avant \documentclass)
-\usetikz{basic,chains,positioning}                                         % pgf / TikZ
-\usepackage{nccfoots}                                                      % \Footnote{marker}{text}
-\RequirePackage[a]{esvect}% for vectors
-\newrobustcmd*\dtotal[2]{\displaystyle\genfrac{}{}{}{}{\text d\mkern.2\thinmuskip#1}{\text d\mkern.2\thinmuskip#2}}
-    gobble=1,
-    language=[LaTeX]TeX,
-    basicstyle=\ttfamily,
-    breaklines=true,
-    upquote=true,
-    backgroundcolor=\color[gray]{0.90},
-    keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries,
-    keywordstyle=[2]{\color{ForestGreen}},
-    commentstyle=\ttfamily\color{violet},
-    keywordstyle=[3]{\color{black}\bfseries},
-    keywordstyle=[4]{\color{red}\bfseries},
-    keywordstyle=[5]{\color{blue}\bfseries},
-    keywordstyle=[6]{\color{green}\bfseries},
-    keywordstyle=[7]{\color{yellow}\bfseries},
-    %extendedchars={true},
-    alsoletter={&},
-    \lstdefinestyle,
-    \lstinputlisting,\lstset,
-    \color,
-    \geometry,\lasthline,\firsthline,
-    \cmidrule,\toprule,\bottomrule,
-    \everyrow,\tabulinestyle,\tabureset,\savetabu,\usetabu,\preamble,
-    \taburulecolor,\taburowcolors},
-    tabular,
-    caption,
-    table,
-    tabu},
-  &},
-\csname endofdump\endcsname
-\newtabulinestyle{dash=on1pt off1pt}
-  pdftitle={tabu},
-  pdfsubject={a simple line parser for TeX},
-  pdfauthor={Florent CHERVET},
-  colorlinks,linkcolor=reflink,urlcolor=refurl,
-  pdfstartview=FitH,pdfpagemode=UseOutlines,
-  pdfkeywords={tex, e-tex, latex, package, tabular, array, halign, tabularx, longtable, color, colortbl, alignment},
-  }
-   \DocInput{\thisfile.dtx}
-%% End of file `tabu.drv'.

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.ins
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.ins	2019-01-14 22:08:11 UTC (rev 49706)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.ins	2019-01-14 22:10:48 UTC (rev 49707)
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `tabu.ins',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tabu.dtx  (with options: `install')
-%% This is a generated file.
-%% Copyright (FC) 2010-2011 - lppl
-%% tabu : 2011/02/26 v2.8 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
-%% **********************************************************************************************
-%% \begin{tabu}               { preamble } => default target: \linewidth or \linegoal
-%% \begin{tabu} to     <dimen>{ preamble } => target specified
-%% \begin{tabu} spread <dimen>{ preamble } => target relative to the ``natural width''
-%%  tabu works in text and in math modes.
-%%  X columns: automatic width ajustment + horizontal and vertical alignment
-%%  \begin{tabu}   { X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml]  }
-%%  Horizontal lines and / or leaders:
-%%         \hline\hline                          => double horizontal line
-%%         \firsthline\hline                     => for nested tabulars
-%%         \lasthline\hline                      => for nested tabulars
-%%         \tabucline[line spec]{column-column}  => ``funny'' lines (dash/leader)
-%%  Automatic lines / leaders :
-%%         \everyrow{\hline\hline}
-%%  Vertical lines and / or leaders:
-%%  \begin{tabu}   { |[3pt red] X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml] |[3pt blue] }
-%%  \begin{tabu}   { |[3pt red] X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml] |[3pt on 2pt off 4pt blue] }
-%%  Fixed vertical spacing adjustment:
-%%         \extrarowheight=<dimen>     \extrarowdepth=<dimen>
-%%    or:     \extrarowsep=<dimen>               => may be prefixed by \global
-%%  Dynamic vertical spacing adjustment:
-%%       \abovetabulinesep=<dimen>  \belowtabulinesep=<dimen>
-%%   or:      \tabulinesep=<dimen>               => may be prefixed by \global
-%%  delarray.sty shortcuts: in math and text modes
-%%  \begin{tabu} ....        \({ preamble }\)
-%%  Algorithms reports:
-%%            \tracingtabu=1             \tracingtabu=2
-%% **********************************************************************************************
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
-%% version. The latest version of this license is in
-%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
-%% and the derived files
-%%    tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
-%% tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
-%% lppl copyright 2010-2011 by FC <florent.chervet at free.fr>
-\input docstrip.tex
-\Msg{* Installation}
-\Msg{* Package: 2011/02/26 v2.8 - tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars}
-\let\MetaPrefix \relax
-This is a generated file.
-Copyright (FC) 2010-2011 - lppl
-tabu : 2011/02/26 v2.8 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
-\string\begin{tabu}               { preamble } => default target: \string\linewidth or \string\linegoal
-\string\begin{tabu} to     <dimen>{ preamble } => target specified
-\string\begin{tabu} spread <dimen>{ preamble } => target relative to the ``natural width''
- tabu works in text and in math modes.
- X columns: automatic width ajustment + horizontal and vertical alignment
- \string\begin{tabu}   { X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml]  }
- Horizontal lines and / or leaders:
-        \string\hline\string\hline                          => double horizontal line
-        \string\firsthline\string\hline                     => for nested tabulars
-        \string\lasthline\string\hline                      => for nested tabulars
-        \string\tabucline[line spec]{column-column}  => ``funny'' lines (dash/leader)
- Automatic lines / leaders :
-        \string\everyrow{\string\hline\string\hline}
- Vertical lines and / or leaders:
- \string\begin{tabu}   { |[3pt red] X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml] |[3pt blue] }
- \string\begin{tabu}   { |[3pt red] X[4c] X[1c] X[-2ml] |[3pt on 2pt off 4pt blue] }
- Fixed vertical spacing adjustment:
-        \string\extrarowheight=<dimen>     \string\extrarowdepth=<dimen>
-   or:     \string\extrarowsep=<dimen>               => may be prefixed by \string\global
- Dynamic vertical spacing adjustment:
-      \string\abovetabulinesep=<dimen>  \string\belowtabulinesep=<dimen>
-  or:      \string\tabulinesep=<dimen>               => may be prefixed by \string\global
- delarray.sty shortcuts: in math and text modes
- \string\begin{tabu} ....        \string\({ preamble }\string\)
- Algorithms reports:
-           \string\tracingtabu=1             \string\tracingtabu=2
-This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
-version. The latest version of this license is in
-   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
-and the derived files
-   tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
-tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
-lppl copyright 2010-2011 by FC <florent.chervet at free.fr>
-\let\MetaPrefix \DoubleperCent
-   \file{tabu.ins}{\from{tabu.dtx}{install}}%
-   \file{tabu.sty}{\from{tabu.dtx}{package}}%
-   \file{tabu.drv}{\from{tabu.dtx}{driver}}%
-\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
-\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
-\Msg{*     tabu.sty}
-\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `tabu.dtx'}
-\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
-\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
-%% End of file `tabu.ins'.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tabu/tabu.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tabu/tabu.sty	2019-01-14 22:08:11 UTC (rev 49706)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tabu/tabu.sty	2019-01-14 22:10:48 UTC (rev 49707)
@@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
-%% This is file `tabu.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% tabu.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% tabu : 2019-01-11 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
-%% This is a generated file.
-%% Copyright (FC) 2010-2011 - lppl
-%% tabu : 2011/02/26 v2.8 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
 %% **********************************************************************************************
 %% \begin{tabu}               { preamble } => default target: \linewidth or \linegoal
 %% \begin{tabu} to     <dimen>{ preamble } => target specified
@@ -55,16 +46,18 @@
 %% version. The latest version of this license is in
 %%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
-%% and the derived files
-%%    tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
 %% tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
 %% lppl copyright 2010-2011 by FC <florent.chervet at free.fr>
+%% Updated 2019-01-11
+%% Copyright 2019 tabu-fixed github group (LaTeX3 Project members)
+%% Please report any issues at https://github.com/tabu-fixed/tabu
-\ProvidesPackage{tabu}[2011/02/26 v2.8 - flexible LaTeX tabulars (FC)]
+\ProvidesPackage{tabu}[2019/01/11 v2.9 - flexible LaTeX tabulars (FC+tabu-fixed)]
 \AtEndOfPackage{\tabu at AtEnd \let\tabu at AtEnd \@undefined}
@@ -163,8 +156,18 @@
     \edef#2{#1}\tabu at strtrim#2\@onelevel at sanitize#2%
 }% \tabu at sanitizearg
-\def\tabu at textbar #1{\begingroup \endlinechar\m at ne \scantokens{\def\:{|}}%
-    \expandafter\endgroup \expandafter#1\:% !!! semi simple group !!!
+\def\tabu at textbar#1{%
+    \begingroup
+      \newlinechar \m at ne%
+      \endlinechar \m at ne
+      \everyeof{\noexpand}%
+      \edef\:{\expandafter\noexpand\scantokens{|}}%
+      \expandafter
+    \endgroup
+    \expandafter #1%
+    \:%
 }% \tabu at textbar
 \def\tabu at everyrow@bgroup{\iftabu at everyrow \begingroup \else \noalign{\ifnum0=`}\fi \fi}
 \def\tabu at everyrow@egroup{%
@@ -715,6 +718,14 @@
     \let\tabu at tabarray  \@tabarray       % idem  "    "    "    "    "    "    "
     \tabu at adl@fix      \let\endarray      \tabu at endarray % <fix> colortbl & arydshln (delarray)
     \iftabu at colortbl\CT at everycr\expandafter{\expandafter\iftabu at everyrow \the\CT at everycr \fi}\fi
+%%TABU-FIXED  set up old version of array package \@classz to avoid recoding m (and X) here. (Partial fix only: may not cover all cases)
+    \let\tabu at classzORI\@classz \let\@classz \tabu at classz
+%%TABU-FIXED set up \tabu at currentgrouptype
+\def\tabu at currentgrouptype{\currentgrouptype}%
+\ifx\color at begingroup\begingroup
+\def\color at begingroup{\expandafter\begingroup\expandafter\def\expandafter
+                      \tabu at currentgrouptype\expandafter{\the\currentgrouptype}}%
 }% \tabu at init
 \def\tabu at indent{% correction for indentation
     \ifdim \parindent>\z@\ifx \linewidth\tabudefaulttarget
@@ -840,6 +851,30 @@
 }% \tabu at reset
 \def\tabu at setsave #1{\expandafter\tabu at sets@ve #1\@nil{#1}}
 \long\def\tabu at sets@ve #1\@nil #2{\@temptokena\expandafter{\the\@temptokena \def#2{#1}}}
+%%TABU-FIXED define classz to use vcenter, reverting a change in array package
+\let\tabu at classzORI\@classz
+\def\tabu at classz{%
+\ifx\tabu at prepnext@tok\prepnext at tok% in tabu
+\expandafter\tabu at classz@oldarray
+\tabu at classzORI
+\def\tabu at classz@oldarray{%
+     \@classx
+     \@tempcnta \count@
+   \prepnext at tok
+   \@addtopreamble{\ifcase \@chnum
+      \hfil
+      \d at llarbegin
+      \insert at column
+      \d at llarend \hfil \or
+      \hskip1sp\d at llarbegin \insert at column \d at llarend \hfil \or
+      \hfil\hskip1sp\d at llarbegin \insert at column \d at llarend \or
+   $\vcenter
+   \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert at column \@endpbox $\or
+   \vtop \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert at column \@endpbox \or
+   \vbox \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert at column \@endpbox
+  \fi}\prepnext at tok}%
 %% The Rewritting Process -------------------------------------------
 \def\tabu at newcolumntype #1{%
     \expandafter\tabu at new@columntype
@@ -1632,7 +1667,10 @@
                 \let\FV at ListProcessLine \tabu at FV@ListProcessLine  % \hbox to natural width...
                 \narrowragged \arraybackslash \parfillskip \@flushglue
                 \ifdefined\pdfadjustspacing \pdfadjustspacing\z@ \fi
-                \bgroup \aftergroup\tabu at endpboxmeasure
+                \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\tabu at endpboxmeasure
+%%TABU-FIXED add \color at begingroup
+    \color at begingroup
                 \ifdefined \cellspacetoplimit \tabu at cellspacepatch \fi
     \else \expandafter\@gobble
                             \tabu at startpboxquick{#1}% \@gobble \bgroup
@@ -1642,7 +1680,10 @@
                                           \bgroup\color at begingroup}
 \def\tabu at endpboxmeasure {%
     \@finalstrut \@arstrutbox
-                    \end{varwidth}\egroup    % <got my \tabu at box>
+                    \end{varwidth}%
+%TABU-FIXED add \color at begingroup
+\color at endgroup
+\egroup    % <got my \tabu at box>
     \ifdim \tabu at temp\p@ <\z@   % neg coef
         \ifdim \tabu at wd\tabu at Xcol <\wd\tabu at box
             \tabu at wddef\tabu at Xcol {\the\wd\tabu at box}%
@@ -1686,14 +1727,15 @@
 \def\tabu at endtabu   {\end{tabu}}
 \def\tabu at endtabus  {\end{tabu*}}
 %% Measuring the heights and depths - store the results -------------
+%%TABU-FIXED use \tabu at currentgrouptype
 \def\tabu at verticalmeasure{\everypar{}%
-    \ifnum \currentgrouptype>12         % 14=semi-simple, 15=math shift group
+    \ifnum \tabu at currentgrouptype>12         % 14=semi-simple, 15=math shift group
         \setbox\tabu at box =\hbox\bgroup
             \let\tabu at verticalspacing \tabu at verticalsp@lcr
             \d at llarbegin                % after \hbox ...
-        \edef\tabu at temp{\ifnum\currentgrouptype=5\vtop
-                        \else\ifnum\currentgrouptype=12\vcenter
+        \edef\tabu at temp{\ifnum\tabu at currentgrouptype=5\vtop
+                        \else\ifnum\tabu at currentgrouptype=12\vcenter
         \setbox\tabu at box \hbox\bgroup$\tabu at temp \bgroup
             \let\tabu at verticalspacing \tabu at verticalsp@pmb
@@ -2409,7 +2451,9 @@
 }% \tabu at adl@xarraydashrule
 \def\tabu at adl@act at endpbox {%
     \unskip \ifhmode \nobreak \fi    \@finalstrut \@arstrutbox
-    \egroup \egroup
+\color at endgroup
+   \egroup \egroup
     \adl at colhtdp \box\adl at box \hfil
 }% \tabu at adl@act at endpbox
 \def\tabu at adl@fix {%
@@ -2421,7 +2465,8 @@
 %% Correction for longtable' \@startbox definition ------------------
 %%    => \everypar is ``missing'' : TeX should be in vertical mode
 \def\tabu at LT@startpbox #1{%
-    \bgroup
+%%TABU-FIXED add \color at begingroup
+    \bgroup\color at begingroup
         \let\@footnotetext\LT at p@ftntext

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2019-01-14 22:08:11 UTC (rev 49706)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2019-01-14 22:10:48 UTC (rev 49707)
@@ -2493,6 +2493,7 @@
  'ltximg',	'NULL',                 # doc, no need to build
  'paper',       'install',
  'seuthesis',   'NULL',                 # don't want to run iconv, etc.
+ 'tabu',	'NULL',                 # .dtx is not real
  'thesis',      'install.01|install.ndx',
  'translation-filecontents-de', 'NULL', # doc
  'turnstile',   'turnstile-en.ins',     # skip pt since it changes the sty

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