texlive[43011] Master: nodetree.{tex,lua} in runtime, rolf 21 Jan

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sun Jan 22 00:10:13 CET 2017

Revision: 43011
Author:   karl
Date:     2017-01-22 00:10:12 +0100 (Sun, 22 Jan 2017)
Log Message:
nodetree.{tex,lua} in runtime, rolf 21 Jan 2017 13:28:23

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.lua
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.lua	2017-01-21 23:00:43 UTC (rev 43010)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.lua	2017-01-21 23:10:12 UTC (rev 43011)
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
-local nodex = {}
-local tpl = {}
-local tree = {}
-tree.state = {}
-local callbacks = {}
-local base = {}
-local options = {}
-function nodex.node_id(n)
-  return string.gsub(tostring(n), '^<node%s+%S+%s+<%s+(%d+).*', '%1')
-function nodex.subtype(n)
-  local typ = node.type(n.id)
-  local subtypes = {
-    hlist = {
-      [0] = 'unknown',
-      [1] = 'line',
-      [2] = 'box',
-      [3] = 'indent',
-      [4] = 'alignment',
-      [5] = 'cell',
-      [6] = 'equation',
-      [7] = 'equationnumber',
-    },
-    vlist = {
-      [0] = 'unknown',
-      [4] = 'alignment',
-      [5] = 'cell',
-    },
-    rule = {
-      [0] = 'unknown',
-      [1] = 'box',
-      [2] = 'image',
-      [3] = 'empty',
-      [4] = 'user',
-    },
-    adjust = {
-      [0] = 'normal',
-      [1] = 'pre',
-    },
-    boundary = {
-      [0] = 'cancel',
-      [1] = 'user',
-      [2] = 'protrusion',
-      [3] = 'word',
-    },
-    disc  = {
-      [0] = 'discretionary',
-      [1] = 'explicit',
-      [2] = 'automatic',
-      [3] = 'regular',
-      [4] = 'first',
-      [5] = 'second',
-    },
-    math = {
-      [0] = 'beginmath',
-      [1] = 'endmath',
-    },
-    glue = {
-      [0]   = 'userskip',
-      [1]   = 'lineskip',
-      [2]   = 'baselineskip',
-      [3]   = 'parskip',
-      [4]   = 'abovedisplayskip',
-      [5]   = 'belowdisplayskip',
-      [6]   = 'abovedisplayshortskip',
-      [7]   = 'belowdisplayshortskip',
-      [8]   = 'leftskip',
-      [9]   = 'rightskip',
-      [10]  = 'topskip',
-      [11]  = 'splittopskip',
-      [12]  = 'tabskip',
-      [13]  = 'spaceskip',
-      [14]  = 'xspaceskip',
-      [15]  = 'parfillskip',
-      [16]  = 'mathskip',
-      [17]  = 'thinmuskip',
-      [18]  = 'medmuskip',
-      [19]  = 'thickmuskip',
-      [98]  = 'conditionalmathskip',
-      [99]  = 'muglue',
-      [100] = 'leaders',
-      [101] = 'cleaders',
-      [102] = 'xleaders',
-      [103] = 'gleaders',
-    },
-    kern = {
-      [0] = 'fontkern',
-      [1] = 'userkern',
-      [2] = 'accentkern',
-      [3] = 'italiccorrection',
-    },
-    noad = {
-      [0] = 'ord',
-      [1] = 'opdisplaylimits',
-      [2] = 'oplimits',
-      [3] = 'opnolimits',
-      [4] = 'bin',
-      [5] = 'rel',
-      [6] = 'open',
-      [7] = 'close',
-      [8] = 'punct',
-      [9] = 'inner',
-      [10] = 'under',
-      [11] = 'over',
-      [12] = 'vcenter',
-    },
-    radical = {
-      [0] = 'radical',
-      [1] = 'uradical',
-      [2] = 'uroot',
-      [3] = 'uunderdelimiter',
-      [4] = 'uoverdelimiter',
-      [5] = 'udelimiterunder',
-      [6] = 'udelimiterover',
-    },
-    accent = {
-      [0] = 'bothflexible',
-      [1] = 'fixedtop',
-      [2] = 'fixedbottom',
-      [3] = 'fixedboth',
-    },
-    fence = {
-      [0] = 'unset',
-      [1] = 'left',
-      [2] = 'middle',
-      [3] = 'right',
-    },
-    glyph = {
-      [0] = 'character',
-      [1] = 'ligature',
-      [2] = 'ghost',
-      [3] = 'left',
-      [4] = 'right',
-    },
-  }
-  subtypes.whatsit = node.whatsits()
-  local out = ''
-  if subtypes[typ] and subtypes[typ][n.subtype] then
-    out = subtypes[typ][n.subtype]
-    if options.verbosity > 1 then
-      out = out .. tpl.type_id(n.subtype)
-    end
-    return out
-  else
-    return tostring(n.subtype)
-  end
-  assert(false)
-function tpl.round(number)
-  local mult = 10^(options.decimalplaces or 0)
-  return math.floor(number * mult + 0.5) / mult
-function tpl.length(input)
-  input = tonumber(input)
-  input = input / tex.sp('1' .. options.unit)
-  return string.format('%g%s', tpl.round(input), options.unit)
-function tpl.fill(number, order, field)
-  if order ~= nil and order ~= 0 then
-    if field == 'stretch' then
-      out = '+'
-    else
-      out = '-'
-    end
-    return out .. string.format(
-      '%gfi%s', number / 2^16,
-      string.rep('l', order - 1)
-    )
-  else
-    return tpl.length(number)
-  end
-tpl.node_colors = {
-  hlist = {'red', 'bright'},
-  vlist = {'green', 'bright'},
-  rule = {'blue', 'bright'},
-  ins = {'blue'},
-  mark = {'magenta'},
-  adjust = {'cyan'},
-  boundary = {'red', 'bright'},
-  disc = {'green', 'bright'},
-  whatsit = {'yellow', 'bright'},
-  local_par = {'blue', 'bright'},
-  dir = {'magenta', 'bright'},
-  math = {'cyan', 'bright'},
-  glue = {'magenta', 'bright'},
-  kern = {'green', 'bright'},
-  penalty = {'yellow', 'bright'},
-  unset = {'blue'},
-  style = {'magenta'},
-  choice = {'cyan'},
-  noad = {'red'},
-  radical = {'green'},
-  fraction = {'yellow'},
-  accent = {'blue'},
-  fence = {'magenta'},
-  math_char = {'cyan'},
-  sub_box = {'red', 'bright'},
-  sub_mlist = {'green', 'bright'},
-  math_text_char = {'yellow', 'bright'},
-  delim = {'blue', 'bright'},
-  margin_kern = {'magenta', 'bright'},
-  glyph = {'cyan', 'bright'},
-  align_record = {'red'},
-  pseudo_file = {'green'},
-  pseudo_line = {'yellow'},
-  page_insert = {'blue'},
-  split_insert = {'magenta'},
-  expr_stack = {'cyan'},
-  nested_list = {'red'},
-  span = {'green'},
-  attribute = {'yellow'},
-  glue_spec = {'magenta'},
-  attribute_list = {'cyan'},
-  temp = {'magenta'},
-  align_stack = {'red', 'bright'},
-  movement_stack = {'green', 'bright'},
-  if_stack = {'yellow', 'bright'},
-  unhyphenated = {'magenta', 'bright'},
-  hyphenated = {'cyan', 'bright'},
-  delta = {'red'},
-  passive = {'green'},
-  shape = {'yellow'},
-function tpl.color_code(code)
-  return string.char(27) .. '[' .. tostring(code) .. 'm'
-function tpl.color(color, mode, background)
-  if options.color ~= 'colored' then
-    return ''
-  end
-  local out = ''
-  local code = ''
-  if mode == 'bright' then
-    out = tpl.color_code(1)
-  elseif mode == 'dim' then
-    out = tpl.color_code(2)
-  end
-  if not background then
-    if color == 'reset' then code = 0
-    elseif color == 'red' then code = 31
-    elseif color == 'green' then code = 32
-    elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 33
-    elseif color == 'blue' then code = 34
-    elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 35
-    elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 36
-    else code = 37 end
-  else
-    if color == 'black' then code = 40
-    elseif color == 'red' then code = 41
-    elseif color == 'green' then code = 42
-    elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 43
-    elseif color == 'blue' then code = 44
-    elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 45
-    elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 46
-    elseif color == 'white' then code = 47
-    else code = 40 end
-  end
-  return out .. tpl.color_code(code)
-function tpl.key_value(key, value)
-  local out = tpl.color('yellow') .. key .. ': '
-  if value then
-    out = out .. tpl.color('white') .. value .. '; '
-  end
-  return out .. tpl.color('reset')
-function tpl.char(input)
-  return string.format('%q', unicode.utf8.char(input))
-function tpl.type(type, id)
-  local out = tpl.color(
-    tpl.node_colors[type][1],
-    tpl.node_colors[type][2]
-    )
-    .. string.upper(type)
-  if options.verbosity > 1 then
-    out = out .. tpl.type_id(id)
-  end
-  return out .. tpl.color('reset')  .. ' '
-function tpl.callback_variable(variable_name, variable)
-  if variable ~= nil and variable ~= '' then
-    tpl.print(variable_name .. ': ' .. tostring(variable))
-  end
-function tpl.line(length)
-  if length == 'long' then
-    return '------------------------------------------'
-  else
-    return '-----------------------'
-  end
-function tpl.callback(callback_name, variables)
-  tpl.print('\n\n')
-  tpl.print('Callback: ' .. tpl.color('red', '', true) ..
-    callback_name .. tpl.color('reset')
-  )
-  if variables then
-    for name, value in pairs(variables) do
-      if value ~= nil and value ~= '' then
-        tpl.print('  - ' .. name .. ': ' .. tostring(value))
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  tpl.print(tpl.line('long'))
-function tpl.type_id(id)
-  return '[' .. tostring(id) .. ']'
-function tpl.branch(connection_type, connection_state, last)
-  local c = connection_type
-  local s = connection_state
-  local l = last
-  if c == 'list' and s == 'stop' and l == false then
-    return '  '
-  elseif c == 'field' and s == 'stop' and l == false then
-    return '  '
-  elseif c == 'list' and s == 'continue' and l == false then
-    return '│ '
-  elseif c == 'field' and s == 'continue' and l == false then
-    return '║ '
-  elseif c == 'list' and s == 'continue' and l == true then
-    return '├─'
-  elseif c == 'field' and s == 'continue' and l == true then
-    return '╠═'
-  elseif c == 'list' and s == 'stop' and l == true then
-    return '└─'
-  elseif c == 'field' and s == 'stop' and l == true then
-    return '╚═'
-  end
-function tpl.branches(level, connection_type)
-  local out = ''
-  for i = 1, level - 1  do
-    out = out .. tpl.branch('list', tree.state[i]['list'], false)
-    out = out .. tpl.branch('field', tree.state[i]['field'], false)
-  end
-  if connection_type == 'list' then
-    out = out .. tpl.branch('list', tree.state[level]['list'], true)
-  else
-    out = out .. tpl.branch('list', tree.state[level]['list'], false)
-    out = out .. tpl.branch('field', tree.state[level]['field'], true)
-  end
-  return out
-function tpl.print(text)
-  if options.channel == 'log' then
-    if not log then
-      log = io.open(tex.jobname .. '_nodetree.log', 'a')
-    end
-    log:write(text, '\n')
-  else
-    print('  ' .. text)
-  end
-function tree.format_field(head, field)
-  local out = ''
-  if not head[field] or head[field] == 0 then
-    return ''
-  end
-  if options.verbosity < 2 and
-    -- glyph
-    field == 'font' or
-    field == 'left' or
-    field == 'right' or
-    field == 'uchyph' or
-    -- hlist
-    field == 'dir' or
-    field == 'glue_order' or
-    field == 'glue_sign' or
-    field == 'glue_set' or
-    -- glue
-    field == 'stretch_order' then
-    return ''
-  elseif options.verbosity < 3 and
-    field == 'prev' or
-    field == 'next' or
-    field == 'id'
-  then
-    return ''
-  end
-  if field == 'prev' or field == 'next' then
-    out = nodex.node_id(head[field])
-  elseif field == 'subtype' then
-    out = nodex.subtype(head)
-  elseif
-    field == 'width' or
-    field == 'height' or
-    field == 'depth' or
-    field == 'kern' or
-    field == 'shift' then
-    out = tpl.length(head[field])
-  elseif field == 'char' then
-    out = tpl.char(head[field])
-  elseif field == 'glue_set' then
-    out = tpl.round(head[field])
-  elseif field == 'stretch' or field == 'shrink' then
-    out = tpl.fill(head[field], head[field .. '_order'], field)
-  else
-    out = tostring(head[field])
-  end
-  return tpl.key_value(field, out)
-function tree.set_state(level, connection_type, connection_state)
-  if not tree.state[level] then
-    tree.state[level] = {}
-  end
-  tree.state[level][connection_type] = connection_state
-function tree.analyze_fields(fields, level)
-  local max = 0
-  local connection_state = ''
-  for _ in pairs(fields) do
-    max = max + 1
-  end
-  local count = 0
-  for field_name, recursion_node in pairs(fields) do
-    count = count + 1
-    if count == max then
-      connection_state = 'stop'
-    else
-      connection_state = 'continue'
-    end
-    tree.set_state(level, 'field', connection_state)
-    tpl.print(tpl.branches(level, 'field') .. tpl.key_value(field_name))
-    tree.analyze_list(recursion_node, level + 1)
-  end
-function tree.analyze_node(head, level)
-  local connection_state
-  local out = ''
-  if head.next then
-    connection_state = 'continue'
-  else
-    connection_state = 'stop'
-  end
-  tree.set_state(level, 'list', connection_state)
-  out = tpl.branches(level, 'list')
-    .. tpl.type(node.type(head.id), head.id)
-  if options.verbosity > 1 then
-    out = out .. tpl.key_value('no', nodex.node_id(head))
-  end
-  local fields = {}
-  for field_id, field_name in pairs(node.fields(head.id, head.subtype)) do
-    if field_name ~= 'next' and
-      field_name ~= 'prev' and
-      node.is_node(head[field_name]) then
-      fields[field_name] = head[field_name]
-    else
-      out = out .. tree.format_field(head, field_name)
-    end
-  end
-  tpl.print(out)
-  tree.analyze_fields(fields, level)
-function tree.analyze_list(head, level)
-  while head do
-    tree.analyze_node(head, level)
-    head = head.next
-  end
-function tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  tree.analyze_list(head, 1)
-  tpl.print(tpl.line('short') .. '\n')
-function callbacks.contribute_filter(extrainfo)
-  tpl.callback('contribute_filter', {extrainfo = extrainfo})
-  return true
-function callbacks.buildpage_filter(extrainfo)
-  tpl.callback('buildpage_filter', {extrainfo = extrainfo})
-  return true
-function callbacks.pre_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode)
-  tpl.callback('pre_linebreak_filter', {groupcode = groupcode})
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return true
-function callbacks.linebreak_filter(head, is_display)
-  tpl.callback('linebreak_filter', {is_display = is_display})
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return true
-function callbacks.append_to_vlist_filter(head, locationcode, prevdepth, mirrored)
-  local variables = {
-    locationcode = locationcode,
-    prevdepth = prevdepth,
-    mirrored = mirrored,
-  }
-  tpl.callback('append_to_vlist_filter', variables)
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return true
-function callbacks.post_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode)
-  tpl.callback('post_linebreak_filter', {groupcode = groupcode})
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return true
-function callbacks.hpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist)
-  local variables = {
-    groupcode = groupcode,
-    size = size,
-    packtype = packtype,
-    direction = direction,
-    attributelist = attributelist,
-  }
-  tpl.callback('hpack_filter', variables)
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return true
-function callbacks.vpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist)
-  local variables = {
-    groupcode = groupcode,
-    size = size,
-    packtype = packtype,
-    maxdepth = tpl.length(maxdepth),
-    direction = direction,
-    attributelist = attributelist,
-  }
-  tpl.callback('vpack_filter', variables)
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return true
-function callbacks.hpack_quality(incident, detail, head, first, last)
-  local variables = {
-    incident = incident,
-    detail = detail,
-    first = first,
-    last = last,
-  }
-  tpl.callback('hpack_quality', variables)
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-function callbacks.vpack_quality(incident, detail, head, first, last)
-  local variables = {
-    incident = incident,
-    detail = detail,
-    first = first,
-    last = last,
-  }
-  tpl.callback('vpack_quality', variables)
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-function callbacks.process_rule(head, width, height)
-  local variables = {
-    width = width,
-    height = height,
-  }
-  tpl.callback('process_rule', variables)
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return true
-function callbacks.pre_output_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction)
-  local variables = {
-    groupcode = groupcode,
-    size = size,
-    packtype = packtype,
-    maxdepth = maxdepth,
-    direction = direction,
-  }
-  tpl.callback('pre_output_filter', variables)
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return true
-function callbacks.hyphenate(head, tail)
-  tpl.callback('hyphenate')
-  tpl.print('head:')
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  tpl.print('tail:')
-  tree.analyze_callback(tail)
-function callbacks.ligaturing(head, tail)
-  tpl.callback('ligaturing')
-  tpl.print('head:')
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  tpl.print('tail:')
-  tree.analyze_callback(tail)
-function callbacks.kerning(head, tail)
-  tpl.callback('kerning')
-  tpl.print('head:')
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  tpl.print('tail:')
-  tree.analyze_callback(tail)
-function callbacks.insert_local_par(local_par, location)
-  tpl.callback('insert_local_par', {location = location})
-  tree.analyze_callback(local_par)
-  return true
-function callbacks.mlist_to_hlist(head, display_type, need_penalties)
-  local variables = {
-    display_type = display_type,
-    need_penalties = need_penalties,
-  }
-  tpl.callback('mlist_to_hlist', variables)
-  tree.analyze_callback(head)
-  return node.mlist_to_hlist(head, display_type, need_penalties)
-function base.normalize_options()
-  options.verbosity = tonumber(options.verbosity)
-  options.decimalplaces = tonumber(options.decimalplaces)
-function base.set_default_options()
-  local defaults = {
-    verbosity = 1,
-    callback = 'postlinebreak',
-    engine = 'luatex',
-    color = 'colored',
-    decimalplaces = 2,
-    unit = 'pt',
-    channel = 'term',
-  }
-  if not options then
-    options = {}
-  end
-  for key, value in pairs(defaults) do
-    if not options[key] then
-      options[key] = value
-    end
-  end
-  base.normalize_options()
-function base.set_option(key, value)
-  if not options then
-    options = {}
-  end
-  options[key] = value
-  base.normalize_options()
-function base.get_option(key)
-  if not options then
-    options = {}
-  end
-  if options[key] then
-    return options[key]
-  end
-function base.get_callback_name(alias)
-  if alias == 'contribute' or alias == 'contributefilter' then
-    return 'contribute_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'buildpage' or alias == 'buildpagefilter' then
-    return 'buildpage_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'preline' or alias == 'prelinebreakfilter' then
-    return 'pre_linebreak_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'line' or alias == 'linebreakfilter' then
-    return 'linebreak_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'append' or alias == 'appendtovlistfilter' then
-    return 'append_to_vlist_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'postline' or alias == 'postlinebreakfilter' then
-    return 'post_linebreak_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'hpack' or alias == 'hpackfilter' then
-    return 'hpack_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'vpack' or alias == 'vpackfilter' then
-    return 'vpack_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'hpackq' or alias == 'hpackquality' then
-    return 'hpack_quality'
-  elseif alias == 'vpackq' or alias == 'vpackquality' then
-    return 'vpack_quality'
-  elseif alias == 'process' or alias == 'processrule' then
-    return 'process_rule'
-  elseif alias == 'preout' or alias == 'preoutputfilter' then
-    return 'pre_output_filter'
-  elseif alias == 'hyph' or alias == 'hyphenate' then
-    return 'hyphenate'
-  elseif alias == 'liga' or alias == 'ligaturing' then
-    return 'ligaturing'
-  elseif alias == 'kern' or alias == 'kerning' then
-   return 'kerning'
-  elseif alias == 'insert' or alias == 'insertlocalpar' then
-    return 'insert_local_par'
-  elseif alias == 'mhlist' or alias == 'mlisttohlist' then
-    return 'mlist_to_hlist'
-  else
-    return 'post_linebreak_filter'
-  end
-function base.register(cb)
-  if options.engine == 'lualatex' then
-    luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, callbacks[cb], 'nodetree')
-  else
-    id, error = callback.register(cb, callbacks[cb])
-  end
-function base.register_callbacks()
-  for alias in string.gmatch(options.callback, '([^,]+)') do
-    base.register(base.get_callback_name(alias))
-  end
-function base.unregister(cb)
-  if options.engine == 'lualatex' then
-    luatexbase.remove_from_callback(cb, 'nodetree')
-  else
-    id, error = callback.register(cb, nil)
-  end
-function base.unregister_callbacks()
-  for alias in string.gmatch(options.callback, '([^,]+)') do
-    base.unregister(base.get_callback_name(alias))
-  end
-function base.execute()
-  local c = base.get_callback()
-  if options.engine == 'lualatex' then
-    luatexbase.add_to_callback(c, callbacks.post_linebreak_filter, 'nodetree')
-  else
-    id, error = callback.register(c, callbacks.post_linebreak_filter)
-  end
-function base.analyze(head)
-  tpl.print('\n')
-  tree.analyze_list(head, 1)
-return base

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.tex	2017-01-21 23:00:43 UTC (rev 43010)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.tex	2017-01-21 23:10:12 UTC (rev 43011)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `nodetree.tex',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% nodetree.dtx  (with options: `tex')
-%% This is a generated file.
-%% Copyright (C) 2016 by Josef Friedrich <josef at friedrich.rocks>
-%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
-%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license
-%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
-%% license is in:
-%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008/05/05 or later.
-  nodetree = require('nodetree')
-  nodetree.set_option('engine', 'luatex')
-  nodetree.set_default_options()
-  \directlua{
-    nodetree.set_option('#1', '#2')
-  }
-  \directlua{
-    nodetree.set_option('callback', '#1')
-    nodetree.register_callbacks()
-  }
-  \directlua{
-    nodetree.set_option('callback', '#1')
-    nodetree.unregister_callbacks()
-  }
-%% End of file `nodetree.tex'.

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.lua
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.lua	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.lua	2017-01-21 23:10:12 UTC (rev 43011)
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+local nodex = {}
+local tpl = {}
+local tree = {}
+tree.state = {}
+local callbacks = {}
+local base = {}
+local options = {}
+function nodex.node_id(n)
+  return string.gsub(tostring(n), '^<node%s+%S+%s+<%s+(%d+).*', '%1')
+function nodex.subtype(n)
+  local typ = node.type(n.id)
+  local subtypes = {
+    hlist = {
+      [0] = 'unknown',
+      [1] = 'line',
+      [2] = 'box',
+      [3] = 'indent',
+      [4] = 'alignment',
+      [5] = 'cell',
+      [6] = 'equation',
+      [7] = 'equationnumber',
+    },
+    vlist = {
+      [0] = 'unknown',
+      [4] = 'alignment',
+      [5] = 'cell',
+    },
+    rule = {
+      [0] = 'unknown',
+      [1] = 'box',
+      [2] = 'image',
+      [3] = 'empty',
+      [4] = 'user',
+    },
+    adjust = {
+      [0] = 'normal',
+      [1] = 'pre',
+    },
+    boundary = {
+      [0] = 'cancel',
+      [1] = 'user',
+      [2] = 'protrusion',
+      [3] = 'word',
+    },
+    disc  = {
+      [0] = 'discretionary',
+      [1] = 'explicit',
+      [2] = 'automatic',
+      [3] = 'regular',
+      [4] = 'first',
+      [5] = 'second',
+    },
+    math = {
+      [0] = 'beginmath',
+      [1] = 'endmath',
+    },
+    glue = {
+      [0]   = 'userskip',
+      [1]   = 'lineskip',
+      [2]   = 'baselineskip',
+      [3]   = 'parskip',
+      [4]   = 'abovedisplayskip',
+      [5]   = 'belowdisplayskip',
+      [6]   = 'abovedisplayshortskip',
+      [7]   = 'belowdisplayshortskip',
+      [8]   = 'leftskip',
+      [9]   = 'rightskip',
+      [10]  = 'topskip',
+      [11]  = 'splittopskip',
+      [12]  = 'tabskip',
+      [13]  = 'spaceskip',
+      [14]  = 'xspaceskip',
+      [15]  = 'parfillskip',
+      [16]  = 'mathskip',
+      [17]  = 'thinmuskip',
+      [18]  = 'medmuskip',
+      [19]  = 'thickmuskip',
+      [98]  = 'conditionalmathskip',
+      [99]  = 'muglue',
+      [100] = 'leaders',
+      [101] = 'cleaders',
+      [102] = 'xleaders',
+      [103] = 'gleaders',
+    },
+    kern = {
+      [0] = 'fontkern',
+      [1] = 'userkern',
+      [2] = 'accentkern',
+      [3] = 'italiccorrection',
+    },
+    noad = {
+      [0] = 'ord',
+      [1] = 'opdisplaylimits',
+      [2] = 'oplimits',
+      [3] = 'opnolimits',
+      [4] = 'bin',
+      [5] = 'rel',
+      [6] = 'open',
+      [7] = 'close',
+      [8] = 'punct',
+      [9] = 'inner',
+      [10] = 'under',
+      [11] = 'over',
+      [12] = 'vcenter',
+    },
+    radical = {
+      [0] = 'radical',
+      [1] = 'uradical',
+      [2] = 'uroot',
+      [3] = 'uunderdelimiter',
+      [4] = 'uoverdelimiter',
+      [5] = 'udelimiterunder',
+      [6] = 'udelimiterover',
+    },
+    accent = {
+      [0] = 'bothflexible',
+      [1] = 'fixedtop',
+      [2] = 'fixedbottom',
+      [3] = 'fixedboth',
+    },
+    fence = {
+      [0] = 'unset',
+      [1] = 'left',
+      [2] = 'middle',
+      [3] = 'right',
+    },
+    glyph = {
+      [0] = 'character',
+      [1] = 'ligature',
+      [2] = 'ghost',
+      [3] = 'left',
+      [4] = 'right',
+    },
+  }
+  subtypes.whatsit = node.whatsits()
+  local out = ''
+  if subtypes[typ] and subtypes[typ][n.subtype] then
+    out = subtypes[typ][n.subtype]
+    if options.verbosity > 1 then
+      out = out .. tpl.type_id(n.subtype)
+    end
+    return out
+  else
+    return tostring(n.subtype)
+  end
+  assert(false)
+function tpl.round(number)
+  local mult = 10^(options.decimalplaces or 0)
+  return math.floor(number * mult + 0.5) / mult
+function tpl.length(input)
+  input = tonumber(input)
+  input = input / tex.sp('1' .. options.unit)
+  return string.format('%g%s', tpl.round(input), options.unit)
+function tpl.fill(number, order, field)
+  if order ~= nil and order ~= 0 then
+    if field == 'stretch' then
+      out = '+'
+    else
+      out = '-'
+    end
+    return out .. string.format(
+      '%gfi%s', number / 2^16,
+      string.rep('l', order - 1)
+    )
+  else
+    return tpl.length(number)
+  end
+tpl.node_colors = {
+  hlist = {'red', 'bright'},
+  vlist = {'green', 'bright'},
+  rule = {'blue', 'bright'},
+  ins = {'blue'},
+  mark = {'magenta'},
+  adjust = {'cyan'},
+  boundary = {'red', 'bright'},
+  disc = {'green', 'bright'},
+  whatsit = {'yellow', 'bright'},
+  local_par = {'blue', 'bright'},
+  dir = {'magenta', 'bright'},
+  math = {'cyan', 'bright'},
+  glue = {'magenta', 'bright'},
+  kern = {'green', 'bright'},
+  penalty = {'yellow', 'bright'},
+  unset = {'blue'},
+  style = {'magenta'},
+  choice = {'cyan'},
+  noad = {'red'},
+  radical = {'green'},
+  fraction = {'yellow'},
+  accent = {'blue'},
+  fence = {'magenta'},
+  math_char = {'cyan'},
+  sub_box = {'red', 'bright'},
+  sub_mlist = {'green', 'bright'},
+  math_text_char = {'yellow', 'bright'},
+  delim = {'blue', 'bright'},
+  margin_kern = {'magenta', 'bright'},
+  glyph = {'cyan', 'bright'},
+  align_record = {'red'},
+  pseudo_file = {'green'},
+  pseudo_line = {'yellow'},
+  page_insert = {'blue'},
+  split_insert = {'magenta'},
+  expr_stack = {'cyan'},
+  nested_list = {'red'},
+  span = {'green'},
+  attribute = {'yellow'},
+  glue_spec = {'magenta'},
+  attribute_list = {'cyan'},
+  temp = {'magenta'},
+  align_stack = {'red', 'bright'},
+  movement_stack = {'green', 'bright'},
+  if_stack = {'yellow', 'bright'},
+  unhyphenated = {'magenta', 'bright'},
+  hyphenated = {'cyan', 'bright'},
+  delta = {'red'},
+  passive = {'green'},
+  shape = {'yellow'},
+function tpl.color_code(code)
+  return string.char(27) .. '[' .. tostring(code) .. 'm'
+function tpl.color(color, mode, background)
+  if options.color ~= 'colored' then
+    return ''
+  end
+  local out = ''
+  local code = ''
+  if mode == 'bright' then
+    out = tpl.color_code(1)
+  elseif mode == 'dim' then
+    out = tpl.color_code(2)
+  end
+  if not background then
+    if color == 'reset' then code = 0
+    elseif color == 'red' then code = 31
+    elseif color == 'green' then code = 32
+    elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 33
+    elseif color == 'blue' then code = 34
+    elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 35
+    elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 36
+    else code = 37 end
+  else
+    if color == 'black' then code = 40
+    elseif color == 'red' then code = 41
+    elseif color == 'green' then code = 42
+    elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 43
+    elseif color == 'blue' then code = 44
+    elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 45
+    elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 46
+    elseif color == 'white' then code = 47
+    else code = 40 end
+  end
+  return out .. tpl.color_code(code)
+function tpl.key_value(key, value)
+  local out = tpl.color('yellow') .. key .. ': '
+  if value then
+    out = out .. tpl.color('white') .. value .. '; '
+  end
+  return out .. tpl.color('reset')
+function tpl.char(input)
+  return string.format('%q', unicode.utf8.char(input))
+function tpl.type(type, id)
+  local out = tpl.color(
+    tpl.node_colors[type][1],
+    tpl.node_colors[type][2]
+    )
+    .. string.upper(type)
+  if options.verbosity > 1 then
+    out = out .. tpl.type_id(id)
+  end
+  return out .. tpl.color('reset')  .. ' '
+function tpl.callback_variable(variable_name, variable)
+  if variable ~= nil and variable ~= '' then
+    tpl.print(variable_name .. ': ' .. tostring(variable))
+  end
+function tpl.line(length)
+  if length == 'long' then
+    return '------------------------------------------'
+  else
+    return '-----------------------'
+  end
+function tpl.callback(callback_name, variables)
+  tpl.print('\n\n')
+  tpl.print('Callback: ' .. tpl.color('red', '', true) ..
+    callback_name .. tpl.color('reset')
+  )
+  if variables then
+    for name, value in pairs(variables) do
+      if value ~= nil and value ~= '' then
+        tpl.print('  - ' .. name .. ': ' .. tostring(value))
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  tpl.print(tpl.line('long'))
+function tpl.type_id(id)
+  return '[' .. tostring(id) .. ']'
+function tpl.branch(connection_type, connection_state, last)
+  local c = connection_type
+  local s = connection_state
+  local l = last
+  if c == 'list' and s == 'stop' and l == false then
+    return '  '
+  elseif c == 'field' and s == 'stop' and l == false then
+    return '  '
+  elseif c == 'list' and s == 'continue' and l == false then
+    return '│ '
+  elseif c == 'field' and s == 'continue' and l == false then
+    return '║ '
+  elseif c == 'list' and s == 'continue' and l == true then
+    return '├─'
+  elseif c == 'field' and s == 'continue' and l == true then
+    return '╠═'
+  elseif c == 'list' and s == 'stop' and l == true then
+    return '└─'
+  elseif c == 'field' and s == 'stop' and l == true then
+    return '╚═'
+  end
+function tpl.branches(level, connection_type)
+  local out = ''
+  for i = 1, level - 1  do
+    out = out .. tpl.branch('list', tree.state[i]['list'], false)
+    out = out .. tpl.branch('field', tree.state[i]['field'], false)
+  end
+  if connection_type == 'list' then
+    out = out .. tpl.branch('list', tree.state[level]['list'], true)
+  else
+    out = out .. tpl.branch('list', tree.state[level]['list'], false)
+    out = out .. tpl.branch('field', tree.state[level]['field'], true)
+  end
+  return out
+function tpl.print(text)
+  if options.channel == 'log' then
+    if not log then
+      log = io.open(tex.jobname .. '_nodetree.log', 'a')
+    end
+    log:write(text, '\n')
+  else
+    print('  ' .. text)
+  end
+function tree.format_field(head, field)
+  local out = ''
+  if not head[field] or head[field] == 0 then
+    return ''
+  end
+  if options.verbosity < 2 and
+    -- glyph
+    field == 'font' or
+    field == 'left' or
+    field == 'right' or
+    field == 'uchyph' or
+    -- hlist
+    field == 'dir' or
+    field == 'glue_order' or
+    field == 'glue_sign' or
+    field == 'glue_set' or
+    -- glue
+    field == 'stretch_order' then
+    return ''
+  elseif options.verbosity < 3 and
+    field == 'prev' or
+    field == 'next' or
+    field == 'id'
+  then
+    return ''
+  end
+  if field == 'prev' or field == 'next' then
+    out = nodex.node_id(head[field])
+  elseif field == 'subtype' then
+    out = nodex.subtype(head)
+  elseif
+    field == 'width' or
+    field == 'height' or
+    field == 'depth' or
+    field == 'kern' or
+    field == 'shift' then
+    out = tpl.length(head[field])
+  elseif field == 'char' then
+    out = tpl.char(head[field])
+  elseif field == 'glue_set' then
+    out = tpl.round(head[field])
+  elseif field == 'stretch' or field == 'shrink' then
+    out = tpl.fill(head[field], head[field .. '_order'], field)
+  else
+    out = tostring(head[field])
+  end
+  return tpl.key_value(field, out)
+function tree.set_state(level, connection_type, connection_state)
+  if not tree.state[level] then
+    tree.state[level] = {}
+  end
+  tree.state[level][connection_type] = connection_state
+function tree.analyze_fields(fields, level)
+  local max = 0
+  local connection_state = ''
+  for _ in pairs(fields) do
+    max = max + 1
+  end
+  local count = 0
+  for field_name, recursion_node in pairs(fields) do
+    count = count + 1
+    if count == max then
+      connection_state = 'stop'
+    else
+      connection_state = 'continue'
+    end
+    tree.set_state(level, 'field', connection_state)
+    tpl.print(tpl.branches(level, 'field') .. tpl.key_value(field_name))
+    tree.analyze_list(recursion_node, level + 1)
+  end
+function tree.analyze_node(head, level)
+  local connection_state
+  local out = ''
+  if head.next then
+    connection_state = 'continue'
+  else
+    connection_state = 'stop'
+  end
+  tree.set_state(level, 'list', connection_state)
+  out = tpl.branches(level, 'list')
+    .. tpl.type(node.type(head.id), head.id)
+  if options.verbosity > 1 then
+    out = out .. tpl.key_value('no', nodex.node_id(head))
+  end
+  local fields = {}
+  for field_id, field_name in pairs(node.fields(head.id, head.subtype)) do
+    if field_name ~= 'next' and
+      field_name ~= 'prev' and
+      node.is_node(head[field_name]) then
+      fields[field_name] = head[field_name]
+    else
+      out = out .. tree.format_field(head, field_name)
+    end
+  end
+  tpl.print(out)
+  tree.analyze_fields(fields, level)
+function tree.analyze_list(head, level)
+  while head do
+    tree.analyze_node(head, level)
+    head = head.next
+  end
+function tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  tree.analyze_list(head, 1)
+  tpl.print(tpl.line('short') .. '\n')
+function callbacks.contribute_filter(extrainfo)
+  tpl.callback('contribute_filter', {extrainfo = extrainfo})
+  return true
+function callbacks.buildpage_filter(extrainfo)
+  tpl.callback('buildpage_filter', {extrainfo = extrainfo})
+  return true
+function callbacks.pre_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode)
+  tpl.callback('pre_linebreak_filter', {groupcode = groupcode})
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return true
+function callbacks.linebreak_filter(head, is_display)
+  tpl.callback('linebreak_filter', {is_display = is_display})
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return true
+function callbacks.append_to_vlist_filter(head, locationcode, prevdepth, mirrored)
+  local variables = {
+    locationcode = locationcode,
+    prevdepth = prevdepth,
+    mirrored = mirrored,
+  }
+  tpl.callback('append_to_vlist_filter', variables)
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return true
+function callbacks.post_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode)
+  tpl.callback('post_linebreak_filter', {groupcode = groupcode})
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return true
+function callbacks.hpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist)
+  local variables = {
+    groupcode = groupcode,
+    size = size,
+    packtype = packtype,
+    direction = direction,
+    attributelist = attributelist,
+  }
+  tpl.callback('hpack_filter', variables)
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return true
+function callbacks.vpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist)
+  local variables = {
+    groupcode = groupcode,
+    size = size,
+    packtype = packtype,
+    maxdepth = tpl.length(maxdepth),
+    direction = direction,
+    attributelist = attributelist,
+  }
+  tpl.callback('vpack_filter', variables)
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return true
+function callbacks.hpack_quality(incident, detail, head, first, last)
+  local variables = {
+    incident = incident,
+    detail = detail,
+    first = first,
+    last = last,
+  }
+  tpl.callback('hpack_quality', variables)
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+function callbacks.vpack_quality(incident, detail, head, first, last)
+  local variables = {
+    incident = incident,
+    detail = detail,
+    first = first,
+    last = last,
+  }
+  tpl.callback('vpack_quality', variables)
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+function callbacks.process_rule(head, width, height)
+  local variables = {
+    width = width,
+    height = height,
+  }
+  tpl.callback('process_rule', variables)
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return true
+function callbacks.pre_output_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction)
+  local variables = {
+    groupcode = groupcode,
+    size = size,
+    packtype = packtype,
+    maxdepth = maxdepth,
+    direction = direction,
+  }
+  tpl.callback('pre_output_filter', variables)
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return true
+function callbacks.hyphenate(head, tail)
+  tpl.callback('hyphenate')
+  tpl.print('head:')
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  tpl.print('tail:')
+  tree.analyze_callback(tail)
+function callbacks.ligaturing(head, tail)
+  tpl.callback('ligaturing')
+  tpl.print('head:')
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  tpl.print('tail:')
+  tree.analyze_callback(tail)
+function callbacks.kerning(head, tail)
+  tpl.callback('kerning')
+  tpl.print('head:')
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  tpl.print('tail:')
+  tree.analyze_callback(tail)
+function callbacks.insert_local_par(local_par, location)
+  tpl.callback('insert_local_par', {location = location})
+  tree.analyze_callback(local_par)
+  return true
+function callbacks.mlist_to_hlist(head, display_type, need_penalties)
+  local variables = {
+    display_type = display_type,
+    need_penalties = need_penalties,
+  }
+  tpl.callback('mlist_to_hlist', variables)
+  tree.analyze_callback(head)
+  return node.mlist_to_hlist(head, display_type, need_penalties)
+function base.normalize_options()
+  options.verbosity = tonumber(options.verbosity)
+  options.decimalplaces = tonumber(options.decimalplaces)
+function base.set_default_options()
+  local defaults = {
+    verbosity = 1,
+    callback = 'postlinebreak',
+    engine = 'luatex',
+    color = 'colored',
+    decimalplaces = 2,
+    unit = 'pt',
+    channel = 'term',
+  }
+  if not options then
+    options = {}
+  end
+  for key, value in pairs(defaults) do
+    if not options[key] then
+      options[key] = value
+    end
+  end
+  base.normalize_options()
+function base.set_option(key, value)
+  if not options then
+    options = {}
+  end
+  options[key] = value
+  base.normalize_options()
+function base.get_option(key)
+  if not options then
+    options = {}
+  end
+  if options[key] then
+    return options[key]
+  end
+function base.get_callback_name(alias)
+  if alias == 'contribute' or alias == 'contributefilter' then
+    return 'contribute_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'buildpage' or alias == 'buildpagefilter' then
+    return 'buildpage_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'preline' or alias == 'prelinebreakfilter' then
+    return 'pre_linebreak_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'line' or alias == 'linebreakfilter' then
+    return 'linebreak_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'append' or alias == 'appendtovlistfilter' then
+    return 'append_to_vlist_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'postline' or alias == 'postlinebreakfilter' then
+    return 'post_linebreak_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'hpack' or alias == 'hpackfilter' then
+    return 'hpack_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'vpack' or alias == 'vpackfilter' then
+    return 'vpack_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'hpackq' or alias == 'hpackquality' then
+    return 'hpack_quality'
+  elseif alias == 'vpackq' or alias == 'vpackquality' then
+    return 'vpack_quality'
+  elseif alias == 'process' or alias == 'processrule' then
+    return 'process_rule'
+  elseif alias == 'preout' or alias == 'preoutputfilter' then
+    return 'pre_output_filter'
+  elseif alias == 'hyph' or alias == 'hyphenate' then
+    return 'hyphenate'
+  elseif alias == 'liga' or alias == 'ligaturing' then
+    return 'ligaturing'
+  elseif alias == 'kern' or alias == 'kerning' then
+   return 'kerning'
+  elseif alias == 'insert' or alias == 'insertlocalpar' then
+    return 'insert_local_par'
+  elseif alias == 'mhlist' or alias == 'mlisttohlist' then
+    return 'mlist_to_hlist'
+  else
+    return 'post_linebreak_filter'
+  end
+function base.register(cb)
+  if options.engine == 'lualatex' then
+    luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, callbacks[cb], 'nodetree')
+  else
+    id, error = callback.register(cb, callbacks[cb])
+  end
+function base.register_callbacks()
+  for alias in string.gmatch(options.callback, '([^,]+)') do
+    base.register(base.get_callback_name(alias))
+  end
+function base.unregister(cb)
+  if options.engine == 'lualatex' then
+    luatexbase.remove_from_callback(cb, 'nodetree')
+  else
+    id, error = callback.register(cb, nil)
+  end
+function base.unregister_callbacks()
+  for alias in string.gmatch(options.callback, '([^,]+)') do
+    base.unregister(base.get_callback_name(alias))
+  end
+function base.execute()
+  local c = base.get_callback()
+  if options.engine == 'lualatex' then
+    luatexbase.add_to_callback(c, callbacks.post_linebreak_filter, 'nodetree')
+  else
+    id, error = callback.register(c, callbacks.post_linebreak_filter)
+  end
+function base.analyze(head)
+  tpl.print('\n')
+  tree.analyze_list(head, 1)
+return base

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/nodetree/nodetree.tex	2017-01-21 23:10:12 UTC (rev 43011)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+%% This is file `nodetree.tex',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% nodetree.dtx  (with options: `tex')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2016 by Josef Friedrich <josef at friedrich.rocks>
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license
+%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
+%% license is in:
+%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2008/05/05 or later.
+  nodetree = require('nodetree')
+  nodetree.set_option('engine', 'luatex')
+  nodetree.set_default_options()
+  \directlua{
+    nodetree.set_option('#1', '#2')
+  }
+  \directlua{
+    nodetree.set_option('callback', '#1')
+    nodetree.register_callbacks()
+  }
+  \directlua{
+    nodetree.set_option('callback', '#1')
+    nodetree.unregister_callbacks()
+  }
+%% End of file `nodetree.tex'.

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2017-01-21 23:00:43 UTC (rev 43010)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2017-01-21 23:10:12 UTC (rev 43011)
@@ -1690,6 +1690,7 @@
  'nag',         '\.nag|' . $standardtex,
  'navigator',   '(t-)?navigator.tex|' . $standardtex,
  'nddiss',      '\.sty|\.clo|\.ldf|\.cls|\.def|\.fd$',
+ 'nodetree',	'nodetree.(tex|lua)|' . $standardtex,
  'noindentafter',       "noindentafter\.sty",
  'notes',       '[^s]\.(eps|pdf|png)|' . $standardtex,  # not notes.pdf
  'ntheorem',    '\.sty|\.std',

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