[tex-k] Problem with large annotations im BibTeX

Jan Tobias Muehlberg muehlber at fh-brandenburg.de
Mon Jul 11 09:37:01 CEST 2005

> this isn't an appropriate question for a list about building tex, imo.

$ bibtex -help
Email bug reports to tex-k at mail.tug.org.

I'm sorry for missing to check what kind of list tex-k is.

> http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=bibstrtl

Thanks for that link. I am currently using \input{} to do it.
But that lacks some kind of beauty.

The first solution (modifying the .bst) didn't help me at all. My
problem isn't the global-string-size of 1000 but the 5000
character limit for each field. This limit is set at compile time.

J. Tobias

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