[tex-hyphen] [texhax] help

Arthur Reutenauer arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org
Mon Nov 19 14:16:33 CET 2018

  Thanks, Philip, for forwarding this discussion to the TeX-hyphen list.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 12:20:53PM +0000, Philip Taylor wrote:
>    In this matter I defer entirely to the TUG hyphenation team (Arthur,
>    Mojca, ...) who know infinitely more about such things than I ever did or
>    will.

  I wrote a UTF-8 version of patgen a few years ago.  It is very slow
because I didn’t need it for production, but I can look into improving
it.  Documentation is scarce, for the same reason.


  Mathias Nater also worked on his version, but I never tried it out.


  I would suggest that if Prasad is allowed to publish his word list, he
do so so that we have a better idea of how we can help him.  This will
certainly be more efficient than emailing back and forth.



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