[tex-hyphen] [Trennmuster] gswiss in language.dat

Stephan Hennig mailing_list at arcor.de
Thu Dec 5 18:45:33 CET 2013

Am 05.12.2013 12:30, schrieb juergen.sp at t-online.de:

>> By having the latest version of dehyph-exptl installed as it is
>> shipped by TeX Live, you wouldn't gain anything at all by using 
>> call-it-whatever-you-like-swiss-german other than the already 
>> installed "swissgerman".
> I see. Thanks for the explanation. Maybe this should be clarified in
> the dehyph-exptl manual. And it should be pointed out that
> gswiss-x-latest cannot be loaded via hyphsubst out of the box (i.e.,
> without editing language.dat before). I mean, after reading this
> manual, people might want to try
> \usepackage[german=gswiss-x-latest]{hyphsubst}

Yeah, I haven't been aware of this.  On the other hand, the explanation
will become obsolete as soon as there's true Swiss language support.
So, I'll better wait with that.

> (or would it make sense to set up gswiss-x-latest as an alias to swissgerman, 
> just to avoid such confusions?)

That makes sense, as long as hyph-utf8 keeps pace with dehyph-exptl.  So
far, that has always been the case.  (Because of the slow pace of
dehyph-exptl development.  There were actually times when dehyph-exptl
didn't keep pace with hyph-utf8 development.)

Best regards,
Stephan Hennig

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