[tex-hyphen] Adding turkmen hyphenation and language definition to babel

Nazar Annagurban nazartm at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 20:14:50 CET 2010

Hi guys,

I found the mailing-list through google. I'd like to ask you about adding a
new hyphenation language. I have prepared the hyphenation patterns for the
turkmen language (Turkmenistan) and tested it using the java implementation
of Frank Liangs algorithm. However, I'd like to test that the charset (our
special character that are not in latin1) works correctly under tex (latex)
before I submit it. I looked through the Babel files to find the file
containing language definition to hyphen patterns binding, but I couldn't
find it. If you guys could give me some directions? Or anyway I could latex
use my patterns for hyphenating.

(Turkmenistan hasn't had much latex exposure, but I'm using it to prepare
digital versions of older books, and maybe more people will start using it
seeing the quality of the result)

Best regards,
Nazar Annagurban
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