[tex-hyphen] versioning hyphenation patterns

Stephan Hennig mailing_list at arcor.de
Mon Jun 16 17:30:35 CEST 2008

Stephan Hennig schrieb:

> \RequirePackage{hyphsubst}
> \documentclass{article}
> \HyphSubstLet{ngerman}{english}
> \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
> \begin{document}
> \showhyphens{Hyphenation}
> \end{document}
> actually uses English patterns, despite the fact that German language is
> active (as far a Babel is concerned).

If this works with XeTeX and polyglossia or babel, too, I don't know.

> That is, using versioned patterns we need unique identifiers for all
> patterns (for 8-bit TeX).

Unfortunately, this requires unique wrapper files, too, that do the
encoding translation for 8-bit TeX.  Since a generic file


cannot know what pattern files


to load, actually.  Or can the wrapper guess the pattern file name from
the first identifier in language.dat?  I mean, in a statement

  german-x-<version> dehyphn-x.tex

can dehyphn-x.tex somehow access the <version> part for deriving a file

> Using versioned patterns shouldn't be the standard uses case.

That is, it shouldn't hurt if using versioned patterns is slightly
slower that using built-in patterns.

Best regards,
Stephan Hennig

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