<div dir="ltr">Hi!<br><br>I was wondering how I can reference and get a selected line of a dat file (2 or more columns).<br>To be more precise: I store the start and goal positions of a path planner as the two first lines of my data file<br>
the third is a pair: first column <- radius of goal zone and second column<- the radius of the robot<br><br>%MyData.dat<br>%Start position<br>0.0 0.0 <br>%Goal position<br>2.3 3.5<br>%Goal and robot radius<br>0.2 0.3<br>
<br>(of course %comments should be ignored).<br><br>So I should read sequentially: First line (startX, startY) then read the third line,second column to get the radius and with that info draw a circle.<br>Then repeat for the second line<br>
<br>I could think about using three columns the radii information for each line, like<br><br>%start pos. and radius of robot<br>0.0 0.0 0.2<br>%goal pos and radius<br>2.3 3.5 0.3<br><br>I would like to use a function, say plotCircles like <br>
\readdata{\data}{C:/mydata.dat}<br>\plotCircles{\data}<br><br>If the file does not exist then plotCircles should do nothing.<br><br>Anyway I would be grateful for every piece of advice on this. <br><br><br>Regards<br><br>
Jorge<br>(aus Hannover)<br><br></div>