[pstricks] Error using pst-light3d.tex

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Mon May 12 21:53:40 CEST 2008

John Culleton schrieb:
> On Monday 12 May 2008 02:17:09 pm Herbert Voss wrote:
>> John Culleton schrieb:
>>> I have one additional question: In my example I changed the fill
>>> color from gold to red. The 3d color is still gold.   I presume
>>> the 3d color is set by the PostScript code string:
>>> LightThreeDColorPsCommand=%
>>>  1.2 div 0.15 exch 0.7 exch sethsbcolor]
>>> Is there a way to set this color more directly to red? Failing
>>> that is there guidance on selecting a particular hsb color?
>> try
>> LightThreeDColorPsCommand= 1 0 0 setrgbcolor
>> Herbert
> Tried that, and some variations but it doesn't work. Blows up at the 
> ps2pdf step. Specifically this doesn't work:
> ------------------------------------------
> \input pstricks
> \input pst-light3d.tex
> \font\Rmb ptmr8r at 40pt
>  \PstLightThreeDText[linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=red,%
> LightThreeDColorPsCommand=1 0 0 setrgbcolor]%

ah, just forgot the there is an internal iteration value
on the stack. This works

LightThreeDColorPsCommand= 2 div 0 0 setrgbcolor]


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