[pstricks] Selcting \rput commands

Adam Fenn acwfenn at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 9 17:41:03 CET 2007

>> My problem is that when I zoom in on my map e.g.
>> {\psset{unit=5000pt}
>> \pspicture*(3.12700,2.48000)(3.20000,2.60500)
>> \input symbols.dat
>> \endpspicture
>> }
>> I get the error 'dimension too large' for obvious reasons. However
>> since the offending \rput commands fall outside the range of the
>> \pspicture environment I do not need them.
>> My question is, how can I read the file symbols.dat yet ignore all
>> \rput commands which fall beyond the range of the \pspicture environment.
> use instead
> \psscalebox{...}{%
> \psset{unit=1600pt}
> \pspicture*(3.12700,2.48000)(3.20000,2.60500)
> \input symbols.dat
> \endpspicture%
> }

This works, but my labels and symbols are now too large and each map requires 
quite a bit of work to get them looking as they should.

I notice that if I just ignore the error and force TeX to continue by pressing the return 
key I get what I want. Is there somthing I can put into my source file to tell TeX to ignore 
this error?

Thanks for your help.
Adam Fenn.
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