[pstricks] [Fwd: Re: Simulation d'une chronophotographie ..]

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Mon Jul 16 18:45:41 CEST 2007

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Simulation d'une chronophotographie ..
Date: 	Mon, 16 Jul 2007 18:38:48 +0200
From: 	Herbert Voss <herbert49 at googlemail.com>
Newsgroups: 	fr.comp.text.tex


Alexander Grahn wrote:
> Ceux qui n'ont pas Distiller peuvent créer l'animation avec ps2pdf et
> animate.sty:
> ftp://ftp.fzd.de/private/grahn/ball.pdf
> ftp://ftp.fzd.de/private/grahn/ball.tex

la même chose sans fp


\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}% by Jean-C?e Charpentier
                             % Herbert Voss, Manuel Luque,
                             %Alexander Grahn (animation)
% roulement sans glissement d'une bille
% sur un plan inclin?
  slopeend=black,slopecenter={0.6 0.6}}

\newcommand*\pente{30 }% inclinaison du plan/l'horizontale
\newcommand*\rBall{0.5 }% rayon de la bille
\newcommand*\Hauteur{1 } % hauteur du l?her

\def\psset at plotpoints#1{\def\psk at plotpoints{#1 }}

\def\Coeff{9.81 5 mul 7 div }
\def\Acceleration{\Coeff \pente sin mul }
\def\AccelerationAngulaire{\Coeff \pente sin mul \rBall div neg RadtoDeg }
\def\S#1{   % way as function of time, returns x y
  0.5 \Acceleration mul #1 dup mul mul                     % S(t)
 \pente cos mul  \rBall \pente sin mul add                 % Sx
 \pente sin mul neg \rBall \pente cos mul add \Hauteur add }% Sy

%% write external timeline file
%first frame: axes+slope  (transparency no. `0')
%remaining frames: ball w/ point & trajectory, axes+slope redrawn on top

  %axis and slope
  \psline(0,\Hauteur)(!10 \pente cos mul 10 \pente sin mul neg \Hauteur add)
  %ball, track-point and trajectory
    \gdef\time{0.0625 \thecount\space mul }
    % ball
    \rput(! \S{\time} ){\pscircle[style=ball](0,0){\rBall}}
    %track-point on ball surface

      /THETA \AccelerationAngulaire t dup mul mul 0.5 mul  -120 add def
      \S{t} /yPosG ED /xPosG ED
      \rBall THETA cos mul xPosG add
      \rBall THETA sin mul yPosG add
      plotpoints={\time dup mul 2.5 dup mul div
        360 mul cvi dup 2 lt {pop 2} if }]{0}{\time}{% trajectory
      /THETA \AccelerationAngulaire t dup mul mul 0.5 mul  -120 add def
      \S{t} /yPosG ED /xPosG ED
      \rBall THETA cos mul xPosG add
      \rBall THETA sin mul yPosG add



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