[pstricks] Check for file version of pstricks-add.tex

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Mar 21 16:00:40 CET 2007

Christoph Bersch schrieb:
> I forgot to mention a crucial point, sorry. The \nlput command was
> introduced before 2.81 (October 2005) but was buggy until this version.
> A hack could be to check for the existence of another macro that was
> introduced with version 2.81 (which one could this be?) although this
> does not seem such a good idea to me.
\input pstricks-add
\typeout{pstricks-add: \fileversion}
\ifdim\fileversion pt<2.81pt
\typeout{pstricks-add: new definition of \string\nlput}
% #1: node A  #2: node B  #3: dimen measured from A  #4: node name
  \pst at getcoor{#1}\pst at tempA%
  \pst at getcoor{#2}\pst at tempB%
  \pssetlength\pst at dimp{#3}%
    \pst at tempA /YA exch \pst at number\psyunit div def
    /XA exch \pst at number\psxunit div def
    \pst at tempB /YB exch \pst at number\psyunit div def
    /XB exch \pst at number\psxunit div def
    /dx XB XA sub def
    /dy YB YA sub def
    /angle dy dx Atan def
    /linelength \pst at number\pst at dimp \pst at number\psunit div def
    XA linelength angle cos mul add YA linelength angle sin mul add ){#4}%
\def\nlput{\pst at object{nlput}}
\def\nlput at i(#1)(#2)#3#4{%
  \begin at SpecialObj
  \psLDNode(#1)(#2){#3}{temp at lnput}
  \pcline[linestyle=none](#1)(temp at lnput)%
  \end at SpecialObj
\else\typeout{pstricks-add >2.81!}\fi


foo \nlput(0,0)(3,3){1cm}{A}%


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