[pstricks] pdflatex question

Luciano Battaia batmathica at yahoo.it
Fri Mar 16 14:47:04 CET 2007

Now with the new package pst-pdf it is possible to run pdflatex also in files with pstricks code. You must preprocess files using pst-pdf that automatically extracts pstricks (and other postscript) code from the Latex source and then reinserts it during pdflatex compilation. Details also in the pstricks site.
  It's preferable to use this way, instead of making separate files with psticks pictures.
  I have written a small guide for my students (at High School), but  it is in italian!
  Luciano Battaia

"Andrzej J. Maciejewski" <andrzej.j.maciejewski at gmail.com> ha scritto:
the problem is that to produce a pdf file from latex there are at least two ways:
the one you described and the other is to run pdflatex (in the office they know only the last one). But having a pstricks code in latex  file you cannot run pdflatex on it. 
Thus, you can remove pictures from your paper and send them separately as ps files 
or you can make ps files with figures and insert them to your file using graphics package.

  On 3/15/07, Iosif Pinelis <ipinelis at mtu.edu> wrote:  Sorry for a wrong subject of my previous message!

Iosif Pinelis wrote:

> Hi,
> I have received a message from the editorial assistant of a journal,
> saying
>> Would you know how I can successfully run PDFLaTeX on your file? The 
>> problem is the pspictures. I need PDFLaTex to generate the JIPAM files.
> Apparently the problem is with pictures like this:
> \usepackage{pstricks}
> %% My definition 
> \newcommand{\mvec}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries\itshape #1}}
> \renewcommand{\u}{\,%
> \psset{unit=.7pt}
> \begin{pspicture}(0,0)(9,10)%(10,20)
> %\psset{unit=1pt}
> \psline[linewidth=.3pt,origin={0,1}]{-}(0,0)(2,5)(7,5)(9,10) 
> \end{pspicture}
> I use either TeXnicCenter to produce pdf files on Windows (without
> knowing how the black box works) or, on Linux, dvips -o followed by
> ps2pdf. I don't use pdflatex explicitly. Could you please tell me what 
> the problem may be and how to solve it? Thank you.
> Iosif Pinelis

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