[pstricks] b5 paper problems

Rafael Castro Triguero me1catrr at uco.es
Mon Dec 5 17:36:28 CET 2005

I have two questions to the group people,

1º) I am writing my PhD thesis in LaTeX with Winedt editor. I have been 
using Pstricks to design some pictures. I convert jpg to .eps with 
Freehand, in order to include pictures when I use the scanner. In this 
way I do all of this to compile the document to 
LateX--->dvi-ps--->ps-pdf, with this 3 compilations I get the right 
pictures with Pstricks and I get a .pdf file that I can print easily 
with a epson C70 stylus printer (that it is not a postcript printer). Is 
there any possibility to compile to pdf in one compilation and the 
Pstricks looks right?

2º) The document class that I have been using is b5paper, when I get the 
last compilation in Acrobat 7.0 professional, I get a document in A4 
paper, with spaces, but not a b5 paper, I have been looking for a paper 
parameter but I haven't found anyone. What is the reason? Can I change it?

Thanks to all

PD: I am beginner and quite pstricks-silly, he he.

PhD. Student Rafael Castro Triguero
University of Córdoba
Polithecnical School
Menéndez Pidal Avenue
14004 Córdoba

      Tel  : +34-957-218329
      Fax  : +34-957-218316
      E-Mail: me1catrr at uco.es

     Santa Ana de la Albaida nº 14
     Villa Mª José
     Urbanización Olivar Viejo
     14011 Córdoba
     Tel.: +34-957-403398
     Mobile : +34-699-039885

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