[pstricks] Displaying a unsymetrich diagram

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Nov 21 23:48:55 CET 2005

Nicolai Emig wrote:

 > I do not seem to understand this and I am getting really annoyed. Why 
doesn't this diagram show right?
 > \def\data{0.003472 -14.159 0.003246 -11.27}
 > \pstScalePoints(1,1){}{ neg }
 > \psset{yunit=1cm, xunit=10000cm}
 > \begin{pspicture}(0,11.1)(0.001,15)
 >   \psaxes[dy=1cm,Dy=-1,Oy=-11.2,dx=2.5cm, Dx=0.0001, 
 >  \listplot[plotstyle=dots]{\data}
 > \end{pspicture}
 > I declared xunit 10.000cm because I want one x unit to be 0.0001
 > my pspicture goes from 0 to 0.001 (thus being 10cm with my xunit)
 > psaxes defines a unit of 2.5 cm for 0.0001 units and the Origin is at 
 > My x Axis goes from 0.0032 to 0.0035 so the datavalues I defined 
should be in range.
 > But the diagram is totally screwed up. No x-axes shown and the dots 
are at the complete wrong places.

\def\data{0.003472 -14.159 0.003246 -11.27}

\pstScalePoints(1000,1){}{ neg }
\psset{yunit=1cm, xunit=30cm}
   \psaxes[dy=1cm,Dy=-1,Oy=-11.2,dx=2.5cm, Dx=0.0001, 


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