[pstricks] Problem placing boxes and undwanted space

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu May 26 21:22:47 CEST 2005

Ulrik Stervbo wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>I'm working on making it easier (for me) to make posters with latex. To comply
>with the CVI of Novo Nordisk, I need a box with rounded corners and on the top
>of that a heading:
>+-- Abstract ---------+
>| text text text text |
>| text text text text |


\newcount\postercolnum \postercolnum=2
\setlength\postercolwidth{(\textwidth - \postercolsep) / \postercolnum}



>One problem is that there is a space between the textbox and the page margin,
>another problem is that the headingbox is placed at the top of the textbox
>minus some length, which I have no idea of what is.

option dvips is not needed, it is dione by the configure script of geometry.

>% Set the rounding of the archs to Novo's default according to theis CVI:
>% 1/5 of the shortest side
>\pst at divide{1pt}{5pt}\roundedness

>\def\abstractbox{\@ifnextchar [{\abstractbox at i}{\abstractbox at i[]}}%
>\def\abstractbox at i[#1]#2{%
>        % Create the textbox'
>\savebox{\sb at Postertextheadingbox}{\psframebox[framesep=0pt,linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=yellow]{%
>                \hspace{3pt}\Large Abstract\hspace{3pt}}}
>        \savebox{\sb at Postertextbox}{
        \savebox{\sb at Postertextbox}{% <--!!!!!

and once more later


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