what is the capability of PSTricks?

Tamas Bori bori at cs.elte.hu
Tue Nov 9 23:20:14 CET 1999

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Denis Girou wrote:
>     Niren.Patel> Hi,
>     Niren.Patel>        We are printing documents of having around 500
> to 600 graphs. We
>     Niren.Patel> are planning to generated graphs using PSTricks
> commands, on the basis
>     Niren.Patel> of 1 graph script per file. Then we will include all
> these files in a main
>     Niren.Patel> LaTeX document file.
I don't recommend it; it'll make the compilation of the LaTeX
file (and course of the included 'script files') - in the case of
500-600 PSTricks graphs, especially if there are some complicated
among them - much slower, and it's - under experiences - the most
time-consuming procedure of the finishing task.

>     Niren.Patel>        Till now we used generate EPS for all graph
> (1 file per graph) and
>     Niren.Patel> then we use to include this file as a graphic in
> LaTeX file.
That's a correct method for doing this.

> and also because somebody else can have a real experience of big
> documents with a lot of graphics - which is not really my case!
I do have experiences with documents containing several hundred
PSTricks graphs ;-)

> I use here the TeXtoEPS environment, which is probably a good
> solution in many circumstances for PST pictures.
That's what I'm using, too.

>   For the simple  test, "latex" take  9 sec. and "dvips" 1 sec. for
> PSTricks
> picture and 2 sec. +  9 sec. for EPS graphics. The resulting PS file
> is
>  1 MB for PST and 19 MB for EPS.
I've got a trick over it, which can dramatically reduce the size of
the EPS-es, the processing times for dvips and the final size of
the resulting PS file, too.
All you have to do, when you create the EPS files from the TeXtoEPS
PST dvi files with dvips -E, put a -h- into the option list of dvips,
and it will 'forget' to include any header file in the EPS.
Then just put the \special{header=xxx.pro} command for the
necessary header files (usually pstricks.pro, pst-node.pro etc.)
into the forepart of the LaTeX file (which then have calls for
including of the EPS-es).
So all the necessary header files will be then only once in the
final PS file, contrarily to the original case, when the header
files (all the other - non-PSTricks - TeX PS headers too!) would
be occured again with all of the included EPS-es.

bori at cs.elte.hu

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