[protext] help with ProTeXt

Thomas Feuerstack Thomas.Feuerstack at FernUni-Hagen.de
Tue Sep 15 16:21:38 CEST 2009

Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation schrieb:
> I've recently installed ProTeXt 2.2 and it works fine. However, it seems that
> in the ArabTeX package, there's one "broken" file (hecmd.sty). I've already
> contacted the author of this package and he kindly provided me with another
> file and told me to replace it with the broken one. However, I cannot add or
> change the file through MikTeX. The ArabTeX package is stored in a cabinet
> folder (.cab) and I can't make any changes there.
> I would be happy to receive any ideas on how to solve this.

hmm, i'm afraid the only chance you'll have to come arround this, exists 
in replacing the broken file directly by its working successor. Which means:

- Look on your harddisk in the directory which contains hecmd.sty . In 
case you've choosed the standard installation you should find it in

C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\arabtex

- Create a backup of the old hecmd.sty by renaming it (i.e. to 
hecmd.ori) and copy the new hecmd.sty in the directory named above.

Good luck - Thomas

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