[protext] Questions

Thomas Feuerstack Thomas.Feuerstack at FernUni-Hagen.de
Mon Jun 11 14:53:50 CEST 2007

Peter J. Huber schrieb:
> Two questions:
> (1) I recently had to re-install ProTeXt (because LaTeX => PS => PDF 
> no longer worked, registry problem?). How do I find out which 
> software versions of MiKTeX and TeXnic Center I am actually using?

Inside TeXnicCenter, open the ?(Help)-Menue and choose the entry 'Info 
about TeXnicCenter'. You'll find the version number at the top of the 
displayed window.

MiKTeX prints out it version number in the first line of its log-output. 
You should see a line like

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.6-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.5)

While 'Version' describes the state of the used TeX-Version, the number 
insides the paranthesises shows the used MiKTeX-Version.

> (2) Is there any easy way (as in Word) to include different graphics 
> (eps, jpg, tiff, bmp) in a single document?

As Karl has mentionend in hist Mail, this depends on the 
output-direction you've chosen before. If you followed the line

LaTeX -> DVI [-> PS [-> PDF]]

eps is the only graphics format, that will be accepted. Therefore it 
might be better to use PDFLaTeX directly


which accepts graphics in pdf, jpg and png-format (unfortunately no eps 
and/or tif).

Sincerely - Thomas Feuerstack

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