[protext] [mbarr at math.mcgill.ca: [texhax] MikTeX]

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon Apr 18 16:07:13 CEST 2005

    Finally i think everyone who has worked with TeX one time, knows that 
    one isn't bundled to a special editor, 

Well, that's what this person was confused about; he thought that
protext was going to make him switch to winedt, instead of being able to
choose his own editor.

But looking at the doc, I don't see an obvious place to insert anything
either.  It seems like too much to add a whole new section saying "you
can use any editor; we include winedt + texniccenter, or you can use
emacs, blah blah blah."  So ok, let's just leave it ...


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