<div dir="ltr">Ok, I tried using Victor Eijkhout's repeat macro, which allowed me to use multiple paragraphs in the loop argument. With this, each iteration of my "Lorem ipsum" text generated about 5 1/2 pages. So 10,000 iterations gave me a 15661 page PDF, and took about 80 sec. on my machine. That's better then 11000 composed pages a minute, so that's a good result. Here's the gist of it ..<div>
<br></div><div><div>\input{repeat.tex}</div><div>\repeat \to{10000} \do{</div><div>Lorem ipsum dolor ... }</div><div><br></div><div>\bye</div></div><div><br></div><div><br><div><br></div><div>Thank you all!</div><div><br>