<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi,
<p>» The first one is how to make not linkable the table of contents.
<br>» already have
<br>» the bookmarks option to navigate through the document.
<p>this is automatic, you can make page numbers active instead of tac
<br>entries with the option linktocpage, but that's all.
<br> </blockquote>
Ok. This works.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<br>Why wouldn't you want that anyway?</blockquote>
It is a matter of taste :-).
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<br>» The second one is that in the bookmarks file, levels below
<br>» that
<br>» is \subsubsection, appear at the same position as the previous
level of
<br>» sectioning. Actually, they appear correctly in the toc file.
<p>Normally, these are correct.
<p>If you define your own sectionning commands below subsection, you need
<br>to define their \toclevel@ (\subsection is 3, etc.)
<p>Hope this helps...</blockquote>
I could not fix this. If I look to the hiperref.sty
file, there I can modified the
<br>toclevels. They are defined as 0,1,2,3,4... for chapter/section/subsection/
<br>subsubsection/... And if I change some of them and run pdflatex, the
<br>bookmarks levels change. For example, if I put them to 0, all the entries
<br>are aligned to the left, etc. But it seems that level 4 behaves as
level 3...
<br>I should say that I am not an expert in latex.
Irene Sendiña Nadal < <A HREF="mailto:irene@fmmeteo.usc.es">mailto:irene@fmmeteo.usc.es</A>>
Grupo de Fisica non Lineal Fax/tel: +34 981522089
15706 Campus Sur, Santiago de Compostela