[pdftex] pdftex - Encoding for metafont PK fonts

Ross Moore ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Mon Jun 27 01:25:30 CEST 2016

Hello Pali,

On Jun 27, 2016, at 7:11 AM, Pali Rohár <pali.rohar at gmail.com<mailto:pali.rohar at gmail.com>> wrote:

Yes! And that glyph name for each numberical value (index) is
available in encode file (csr.enc). This is reason why I'm tryint
to tell pdftex:

"hey pdftex, please use csr.enc for my csb12 PK font, it contains
mapping index --> glyph name which you need to building cmap file”

OK. But why do you need  csb12  ?
That is, why not  csbx12  which *is* available in PFB format,
and is properly mapped.
SCI:vector ross$ grep csb `kpsewhich pdftex.map` | grep -v fcsb | grep -v TeXGyre | grep -v Roman
csb10 <csb10.pfb
csbx10 <csbx10.pfb
csbx12 <csbx12.pfb
csbx5 <csbx5.pfb
csbx6 <csbx6.pfb
csbx7 <csbx7.pfb
csbx8 <csbx8.pfb
csbx9 <csbx9.pfb
csbxsl10 <csbxsl10.pfb
csbxti10 <csbxti10.pfb

These fonts (and corresponding medium/regular weights)
are handled in LaTeX using  csfonts.sty .

The encoding seems to be a subset of  XL2. viz.

% @psencodingfile{
%   author = "Petr Olsak, Zdenek Wagner",
%   date = "19oct12",
%   filename = "xl2.enc",
%   license = "public domain",
%   email = "tex-fonts at tug.org<mailto:tex-fonts at tug.org>",
%   codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
%   docstring = "
% some of our (CSTUG- czech TeX Users Group) users want to support
% 8bit font coding such that:
% -- lower 7bit  is exactly OT1 (but with differences imposed
%   by DEK -- e.g. layout of cmr is different from cmtt)
% -- upper part is taken from ISO-Latin 2 (iso 8859-2),
%    but some of empty positions are filled with useful characters
%    usually available in type-1 font (permill sign etc.)
% "
% }

Changing your test as follows works fine, at least for some characters, in Plain TeX.

\pdfcompresslevel 0
\pdfobjcompresslevel 0
\pdfgentounicode 1
\input glyphtounicode.tex
\char232 \char233 %\char234 %\char235 %
\char236 \char237 %\char238


(I hope 5 characters are showing for you here.
If not, my mail client could be at fault.)
Just extract them yourself from the PDF attached here.

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