[pdftex] pdftosrc can't extract non-source files

X x at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 05:07:01 CEST 2013

pdftosrc only extracts embedded files of type source, which seems like an
entirely arbitrary restriction.   This prevented it from extracting the
embedded files

  \\rockynhd020\modadmin\legend\US Topo Map Symbols.pdf
>From the following US Topo GeoPDF 7.5minute quad file:

which you can obtain like this:
   wget -O gda_5948836.zip
   unzip gda_5948836.zip

okular can extract these files, manually, but isn't suitable for batch

Also, it would be helpful to show an index of the attached files.

pdftosrc version 0.18.2, ubuntu 12.04.2
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