[pdftex] no BoundingBox

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Mon Feb 9 22:40:29 CET 2009

On 9 February 2009 riccardo nisi wrote:

 > I am Riccardo Nisi and I write a very bad English.
 > My computer is MacMini, OSX  10.6.
 > I am using TexShop + Latex and the MacTex 2007 package.
 > (1) I am using TexShop and Latex with the PSTricks package for to  
 > produce mathematical
 > graphics, and the first line of my source file (we say qqq.tex) is  
 > %TEX TS-program = latex.
 > TexShop typesets my qqq.tex and the output is qqq.pdf.
 > (2) I crop the file qqq.pdf with the Preview application and  save the  
 > new qqq.pdf.
 > (3) I am in need of to insert the separate graphics into an other  
 > source file, wich uses
 > the PSTricks package (the first line is %TEX TS-program =latex), with  
 > \incudegraphics{qqq}.
 > (4) When I tipeset the (3)sourcefile, TexShop says that it does not  
 > find the  qqq file.
 > If the  \includegraphics argument is qqq.pdf, TexShop says that the  
 > graphic file has no
 > BoundingBox.

Hi Riccardo,
hmmm, just a guess, does it help if you change the first line to

  %TEX TS-program = pdflatex

?  I don't have a Mac and can't reproduce it, but (3) indicates that
you are using latex (not pdflatex), which indeed looks for a
BoundingBox in an EPS file and is not aware about PDF.

If you switch to pdflatex, you'll certainly run into trouble with
PSTricks, but PSTricks provides a package which adds support for
pdftex.  Actually there are two such packages but I must admit that I
don't know which one is preferred.

However, you could do it the other way round:  Leave everything as it
is but convert the PDF files you want to include to EPS.  A good tool
for this purpose is ImageMagick:  


It provides some command-line tools, for instance 'convert'.
convert is very easy to use:

  convert qqq.pdf qqq.eps


Reinhard Kotucha			              Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover	                      mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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