[pdftex] pdftex deterministic?

Thanh Han The hanthethanh at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 14:00:30 CEST 2007

since this has been requested several time, I put the script
to http://pdftex.sarovar.org/misc/pdfcmp.zip

Please feel free to use/modify/comment/forward.


PS to Marcel: if you want to compare two versions of a font,
the tools t1diff and t1cmpglyphs do a very good job.

On Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 01:14:56PM +0200, Marcel Korpel wrote:
> On 01/04/07, Thanh Han The <hanthethanh at gmail.com> wrote:
> >I have made a script to compare 2 pdfs, which I use to
> >quickly test whether a new version of pdftex produces
> >different output from the previous version. The script use
> >gs or pdftoppm to generate all pages of the pdfs as bitmaps,
> >then compare them page by page using diff. If they are
> >different, they are further compared by the 'compare' tool
> >from image magick. If the difference is larger than a
> >threshold, an image showing the differences is shown.
> >
> >If anyone is interested in the script I will send it.
> That sounds very interesting, indeed, especially to compare
> differences between two versions of fonts. Can you send it to me, or
> provide it online?
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Marcel

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