[pdftex] fonts

Christoph Bier christoph.bier at web.de
Thu Oct 13 00:18:41 CEST 2005

Hans Hagen schrieb am 12.10.2005 21:49:

> Christoph Bier wrote:
>>- usage of PostScript code (he doesn't want to use ps4pdf or pst-pdf)
> only important when you have embedded ps code

Yes, PSTricks for example.

>>- hardware limitations: faster dvi output (also with pdfTeX)
> hm, and how about proper previewing


>>- "cleaner" color management via PS

> eh ... this is  joke, isn't it? pdf's color model ok, and how about 
> transparencies and alike?

These were my first thoughts, too. But I'm quite unfamiliar with
color management.

>>- size of the PDF files because of the usage of CFF with Ghostscript
>>or Distiller (with impressive examples)

> hm, it all depends on the circumstances

Here's the example given by this guy:

tlc2.err with MinionPro and font expansion:
tex->dvi->ps->pdf: 149kb
tex->pdf: 827kb
without font expansion: 148kb:358kb

>>- optional subsampling of bitmap files to the same resolution

> (pdftex can do downsampling of png); anyhow, i cannot imagien any 
> serious tex based workflow (editing cycles and such) where downsampling 
> is done each run (waste of time); normally one will prepare graphics 
> (either in advance or in a first run)

>>- lots of warnings by AcroPro-Preflights on PDFs produced by
>>pdflatex (the OP doesn't know whether this problem disappeared in
>>the meantime; last time he tested was in August 2004)

> that's a macro package issue; the code that pdftex produces is pretty 
> clean and only weird pdfliterals can spoil pfd-x
> (what preflights are we talking about; i remember getting mails about 
> pdf considered being wrong because they were reported containing bitmaps 
> and rgb coors while they were actually all-outline and cmyk, so ...)


Let's see what he answers to your arguments. Thanks so far!

+++ Typografie-Regeln: http://www.zvisionwelt.de/typokurz.pdf (1.4)

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