[pdftex] URL problem within pdftex

Paulo Ney de Souza desouza at Math.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Oct 20 15:47:00 CEST 2004

The following file process fine under pdflatex, but produces and invalid
PDF file that Acrobat and xpdf are not able to deal with. 

It opens up with a mesage:

   There was a error processing a page. There was a problem reading
   this document (135).

and after clicking Okay, nothing opens.


The MSN \href{http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-486X(199511)2:142:3%3C611:OTRS(E%3E2.0.CO%3B2-1}{link}.


The problem seesm to reside on the SECOND open parens ( in the string, 
the one in the middle of "OTRS(E" and NOT on the other two parens that
come before. Encoding the second parens with %28 fixes the problem.

Checking the PDF specifications for URL's, they say that all that is needed 
is RFC1738(http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm), 
which DOES allow for ( in the string. On top of that, if this were the problem 
I would expect that it would complain about the first (, which it does not!

Does anyone knows who is at fault here ?

Paulo Ney
desouza at math.berkeley.edu

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