[pdftex] Incredibly PDF filesize difference by pdflatex compared to ps2pdf

Thierry Bouche thierry.bouche at ujf-grenoble.fr
Thu Jun 17 10:27:18 CEST 2004

Le jeudi 17 juin 2004 à 02:14:04, Reinhard Kotucha écrivit :

RK> Isn't Minion a multiple master font so that the program mminstance has
RK> to be used?

Minion comes in 3 flavours : the historical Single master, the defunct
multiple master version, and nowadays a single master opentype with
three design sizes as Minion Pro Opticals.

The only one among the above mentionned named MinionPro is the OTF

Given that you found a type 1 embedded, one can imagine that the OTF
tools from Eddie Kohler were used at some point, which could explain
some of the differences.

 Thierry Bouche                                      

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