[pdftex] pdfTeX, Edmac and margin kerning

Oliver Heins olli at sopos.org
Fri Nov 15 18:37:24 CET 2002

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 08:03:06AM +0700, The Thanh Han wrote:
> I confirm this is a bug of pdftex. I don't know how to fix it yet, at the
> moment a workaround is to use \unhcopy instead of \unhbox on the following
> line (582):
>   \hfil\hbox to \wd\one at line{\new at line\unhbox\one at line}}}%
> Thanh

Thanks! It works, I now have character protruding!  I now only have to
find the correct values for the font I use...


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