[pdftex] Announcing pdfcrypt version of pdftex

Ricardo Sanchez Carmenes carmenes at bioquimica.uniovi.es
Mon Mar 26 17:07:54 CEST 2001

This is to announce the release a special version of pdftex and pdfetex
0.14h-20010310 enhanced with encryting capability (25/03/2001):

Precompiled linux binaries are available by anonymous ftp here:
for testing for some days. The usual diclaimer apply.

Sources should be available as a patch relative to the regular version
when I finish testing and I solve problems.

This version has the ability to produce encrypted pdf files with the
owner/user password protection scheme described in the adobe PDFref

To control this feature, I have added a new primitive named "\pdfcrypt".
If \pdfcrypt is found in the TeX source, the file is encrypted, otherwise
an unencrypted pdf file is generated as with regular pdftex versions.

This pdfcrypt version has been tested successfully in linux to generate
pdf files with links, outlines, png graphics, type1 fonts and ttf fonts.
I have not tested other types of graphics, forms or notes. I would be
pleased if others generating more complex files than me could perform
some tests and report their success or their failures.

The resulting files are read successfully (in the linux box too) by the
Acrobat reader 4.05, by xpdf 0.92 and by ghostscript 6.62 + pdf_sec.ps.

More details in the file pdfcrypt.readme enclosed with the binaries.

Ricardo S. Carmenes
carmenes at bioquimica.uniovi.es

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