[pdftex] building pdftex 0.14h with teTeX

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard at kammer.uni-hannover.de
Tue Apr 17 23:56:11 CEST 2001

>>>>> "Mathieu" == Mathieu Chouinard <chouimat at videotron.ca> writes:

    > everytime I try to build the last pdftex release it failed with
    > both teTeX 1.07 and the last teTeX beta

Did you try building it in the teTeX source tree?  This will fail.

Just unpack the pdftex tar file, "cd src && ./configure && make pdftex".
That should work.

Finally, you have to copy pdftex and pdftex.pool to the proper places
and run texconfig init.

What exactly doesn't work for you?  We need some more information.


Reinhard Kotucha			               Phone: +49-511-751355
Berggartenstr. 9
D-30419 Hannover	              mailto:reinhard at kammer.uni-hannover.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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