preamble for pdftex-documents

Serge-Eric Thiam Serge-Eric.Thiam at
Thu Dec 17 13:55:55 CET 1998

Hi all, 

What preambles r needed  - appart those of noraml tex (I'm using teTeX)-
when processing a tex doc through pdftex. I checked out the example.tex that
came with the source of pdftex but there's no mention about any preambles.
Is there anything like "\usepackage{pdftex}" ore lelse ?

The "pdftex.def"-file? hre is it supposed to be in the directory-structure
and how do i use it?

Where do I get more infos on usind the pdftex primitives ? 

Thanks alot in advance and please excuse my ignorance, I new to
pdftex (and TeX at all).

 ---== Serge Eric Thiam, Gutenberg Str. 6 / C303, D-89073 Ulm, Germany ==---
          Tel.: +49-(0)731-9213410,

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