Ignoring pdftex primitives

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Mon Dec 14 13:48:48 CET 1998

> The stuff about whether file names can start with the word "depth" is
> mildly interesting, I suppose, and pdfTeX's syntax should probably be
> changed for that reason. But I for one am simply shocked that serious
> TeX users would insert \pdfXXX commands directly in their source
> files at all, as opposed to wrapping them in TeX-version-sensitive macros.

But that surely is the point, at least with the primitive syntax
you might have a clue why depthcharge.png fails, but how is the serious
latex user supposed to know why \includegraphics{depthcharge} fails.
So, since I think you have write control for pdftex.def these days,
better release a copy that has \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\@empty
before the #1 in all cases where pdftex uses \pdfimage :-)

I agree that a better primitive syntax would be nice, but making latex
work with the current synatax does not do any harm.


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