bounding box error !

Sebastian Rahtz s.rahtz at
Fri Dec 11 14:22:08 CET 1998

Serge-Eric Thiam writes:

 > the .eps images before converting them into .pdf with "epstopdf",
 > but pdflatex still didn't include them in the document, bringing up
 > the same error message "No bounding box aroung image.pdf - not
 > included !"

using either an old pdftex, or an old version of pdftex.def,
almost certainly. check the version of both. I have

 This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-0.12r (Web2C 7.2)
 \ProvidesFile{pdftex.def}[1998/09/29 v0.02j graphics/color for pdftex]

and do not recommend anything lesser


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