Shuffle pages

Tue Dec 1 10:29:04 CET 1998

    I'm new to this list, and first of all I want to ask if there is 
something like a FAQ. Thank you.

    I'm running a small newsletter in Telecommunications & 
Electronics at my University, and I want to know if there is 
something like the "dvitodvi", "ps2ps" or "psbook" utilities to 
shuffle pages and rearrange them in such a way that they are ready to 
print in a booklet format directly in PDF instead of PS. Actually I 
would use LaTeX or TeX and dvips, then run it through pstops and/or
psbook and finally use ghostscript to convert it to PDF. This way I 
would miss all the hyperref and other features that I get using 
pdftex, so I would have to do the work twice for diferent formats 
and different distributions...

    Any other ideas? I would thank you any help, or info on how to 
get done something like that in pdftex.

    Also we would like to publish an article about TeX and pdfTeX, 
but our knowledge about it is limited, so it would be great if 
somebody on the list is interested to write it (we will have to 
translate from English to Spanish but the author will remain the 
same) and give a push to the use of pdfTeX in my University.

    Thank you for all your help in advance.
    Sean C. McCarthy.

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