[metapost] arrowhead weirdness

Oliver Buerschaper oliver.buerschaper at mpq.mpg.de
Fri Aug 15 14:23:12 CEST 2008

Dear MetaPosters,

while experimenting with arrow heads I've stumbled upon something that  
puzzles me:

u := 0.5cm;
path p;
p := origin--(5u,0);
ahlength := 2u/sind(ahangle);
pickup pencircle scaled u;
drawarrow p;
draw p yshifted u withpen pencircle scaled 0.1bp withcolor red;
draw p yshifted u/2 withpen pencircle scaled 0.1bp withcolor red;
undraw p withpen pencircle scaled 0.1bp;
undraw arrowhead p withpen pencircle scaled 0.1bp;

Shouldn't the upper corner of the white arrowhead path lie on the red  
line? Would be grateful if someone could point me to what I'm missing …

Thanks in advance,

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