[math-font-discuss] Achemso and math fonts

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Fri Oct 14 05:13:51 CEST 2011


On 10/12/2011 07:43 PM, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:

> Hi. I attach below two pdf version of almost the same file one using
> achemso the second not using it. You will see that with the achemso
> package the lower case v looks like the greek \nu whereas without the
> achemso package there is a clear distinction between lower case math
> v and \nu. How does one use the achemso package and still get
> distinguishable lower case v and gk \nu?

When you say package (a sty file), I'm sure you rather mean class (see 
below). First, the document with clear distinction of v and \nu is in 
Computer Modern ---designing which Donald Knuth made sure italic v and 
\nu were not to be confused; the second document uses mathptmx for fonts 

If you only need the facilities of achemso, you can use the package like 

	\documentclass{article}% <- or any other class: book, etc.

and your document will use Computer Modern as default font.

If you really need to use the achemso class, you can resort to the 
txfonts package with the varg option. Try typesetting this example:




	Some text and \( v \; \nu \)


the document still will use Times fonts but v and \nu will be different 
enough. See the txfonts documentation:




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