I am a long-time LaTeX user on Linux platforms, and now have a brand new Mac, with a fresh install of MacTeX/TexLive 2010. I took an existing Beamer presentation (one that works fine in Linux) and tried compiling it (with pdfLaTeX), and got a slew of "Non-PDF special ignored!" errors, and the \visible commands weren't functioning properly in the PDF (every component woud be uncovered for every PDF page in the slide). But in attempting to isolate the problem, I found the following is sufficient to produce the errors:<br>
\documentclass{beamer}<br>\begin{document}<br>\begin{frame}<br>\end{frame}<br>\end{document}<br><br>This produces about 100 "Non-PDF special ignored!" errors, with no other enlightening errors in the output or the log. Behavior is the same from the command line or TeXworks.<br>
<br>Searching elsewhere suggests this is a pdfTeX problem, but hasn't given me a clue about the cause or a solution. I'm baffled how something so common could go so completely wrong. FWIW, the pdfTeX version listed in the output is 3.1415926-1.40.11, while in Linux, a successful compile runs with the output declaring pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3. <br>
<br>Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is the last step in converting this silvery paperweight into a useful scientific computing device.<br><br>Rick<br>