Folks:<br><br>Please forgive this ancient query, I know this question was probably answered years ago, but my search of the FAQ's did not turn it up.<br><br>XeTeX has convinced me to finally give up my ancient OzteX and move to the TeXshop & the modern distribution. Everything comes over with little effort except for my old graphics, pretty much all of which are .eps files produced by Illustrator. The version I have is CS-2, the current one is CS-4, I think. Reopening these and saving as .pdf or using epstopdf always places the graphic in a separate page, so I think I have a bounding box problem. Does upgrading Illustrator fix this problem, or is there some other simple fix?<br>
<br>Again sorry to be so out of date.<br><br>Greg<br>*****************<br>Math Sci. , U of Montana<br>