[OS X TeX] TeXShop syntax highlighting for expl3

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Sun Jan 28 17:58:57 CET 2024

Alan Munn,

Several points:

a) It is easy to get a pdf copy of the manual. Open the manual in TeXShop and then print. But instead of actually printing, "save as pdf".

b) The TeXShop source code contains the complete source for the manual, i.e., a .tex file and a folder of illustrations. It would be easy (using TeXShop's ability to use tex4t) to create an html version of the manual.

c) I have no objections to you, or anyone else, putting the manual online, in any form desired. (I don't want to be involved, however, since I have extra requests coming out of my ears!)


On a completely different topic, now that I realize that TeXShop has primitive expl3SyntaxColoring, I'd be happy to try to extend that coloring. Can you write a short, but fairly complete, explanation of the exact phrases that need to be colored, and appropriate colors if different colors are used? Recall that we create TeX Live 2023 next month, so there could be some delay.

(PS: Just once, I worked in the real world for a year as a programmer at Tektronix. Marketing people would sometimes talk to the regular engineer in our team, asking for a feature.  He always answered "it can't be done." After hearing this several times, I asked him about it. He said "if they really need it, they'll keep 

Dick Koch

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