[OS X TeX] TeXShop in MacTeX 2018 pretest

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Mar 16 21:25:37 CET 2018


I’d expect there to be an updated build of TeXLive as well as MacTeX with any updated software (TeXShop went to 3.99, LaTeXiT went to 2.9.1, etc.) enclosed.

PS: I have used TeXShop 3.98 on an El Capitan system without a crash. 

Good Luck,
Herb Schulz

> On Mar 16, 2018, at 3:06 PM, John Collins <jcc8 at psu.edu> wrote:
> I've newly installed MacTeX 2018 pretest.  That went extremely smoothly, and the TeXLive 2018 pretest part of it seems to be working correctly.
> However TeXShop.app as installed from the 2018 pretest crashes immediately on startup, with the message "TeXShop quit unexpectedly". If I start the executable (in Contents/MacOS) from the command line, it simply gives a message "Killed" and then stops. Info.plist reports the TeXShop version as 3.98
> I restored an older version of TeXShop (3.77) from backup; that still worked.  Then I installed the newest version (3.99) from the Check for Updates menu item.  The new version works.
> So there appears to be a problem specifically with the version of TeXShop that is is installed by the current MacTeX 2018 pretest (mactex-20180304.pkg).  I can provide the crash report if needed.
> I am running El Capitan (10.11.6) on an iMac from mid 2010.
> John Collins
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