[OS X TeX] MathPix or snipping-tool

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Sun Mar 11 02:27:20 CET 2018


My apologies. I've now obtained MathPix, which installs in Applications as "snipping-tool".
It works well, and certainly is useful.

This program doesn't have a GUI, so far as I know. Instead it installs an extra item in the
MenuBar at the right side when you double click it in /Applications. 

I suspect we could be the most help to the author by writing a small document for MacTextras
with a link to the program web page and to the App Store. That way the author would get
clear statistics from Apple on the number of users, but they would have our endorsement.
Indeed a small document could show in pictures what it does, and that it is free, so users
would be tempted to try it. 

Juan Luis, thanks for the reference. Amazing that they could pull this off!

Dick Koch
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