[OS X TeX] adding packages to Basic Tex

Nicolae Garleanu garleanu at berkeley.edu
Wed Jul 15 21:49:50 CEST 2015


My understanding is that I can manually copy any packages I want in ~/Library/texmf — indeed, I have some customized ones that I put there. Is there a way, however, to pick and choose packages distributed through Mac Tex to be added to my installation, perhaps even involving the Tex Live utility (I did search — ``filter’’ — in the  Packages tab of the Tex Live utility but didn’t find the packages I was looking for)? The advantages, as I see them, would be that I would avoid finding each package and downloading manually, and that any updates could be automatic. None of them is a big advantage. (Alternatively, I can just install the latest Mac Tex, which I may just end up doing.)


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