[OS X TeX] Mountain Lion neither makefile nor latex command functions

NMPOST7 nmpost7 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 19:23:04 CET 2013

On 12/11/2013 18:47, Herbert Schulz wrote:
> I got the information and the permissions look fine. The FixMacTeX2013.pkg fixed up the PATH so there is no need to 
separately set up PATH (unless you also have a distribution via Macports or Fink).
> Installing the latest XCode and letting it install the command line tools should do the trick if `make' wasn't installed.

I installed XCode but the command "which make" returns nothing. Do I have reboot
(as in M$Windows)?

> PS: If you try using TeXShop to compile your files there is a latexmk engine (you have to activate it) which will do all 
necessary processing so there would be no need to use your make file.
To activate the latexmk engine move the latexmk.engine file from
~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Inactive/Latexmk two directories up, to
 ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines; you'll need to restart TeXShop. Then place the line
> % !TEX TS-program = latexmk
> at the top of your source file and simply Typeset->Typeset (Cmd-T) and 
the file will be completely typeset through all necessary steps of
latex/bibtex(or biber)/makeindex to get a final product.

I use makefile mainly because I am used to it for years and I write my code
almost entirely using my favourite editor vi

It is a makefile that is almost 9 years old!!!! Only the variable FN is changed
as per the document in question. (I do not use any office product for any form
of documentation)

DVIPS=dvips -Ppdf
THUMBPDF=thumbpdf --modes=ps2pdf
MKIND=makeindex -s idxerr.ist -g
	$(LATEX)    $(FN).tex
	$(LATEX)    $(FN).tex
	$(MKIND)    $(FN).idx
	$(LATEX)    $(FN).tex
	$(DVIPS)    $(FN).dvi -o $(FN).ps
	$(PSPDF)    $(FN).ps
	$(THUMBPDF) $(FN).pdf
	$(LATEX)    $(FN).tex
	$(DVIPS)    $(FN).dvi -o $(FN).ps
	$(PSPDF)    $(FN).ps
	rm *.out *.log *.aux *.dvi *.ps

(Probably, the file looks primitive. The reason is simple, I learned LaTeX all
by myself and it has taken a bit of time to reach where I am. The thanks go to
the whole community out there and to member of DANTE e.v. of which I am a member)

Once in a while I use TeXShop.

Best regards

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