[OS X TeX] Asymptote tutorial?

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 16:46:10 CEST 2013

On Apr 21, 2013, at 7:05 AM, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 21.04.2013 um 04:31 schrieb Alain Schremmer:
>> If you don't know French, I have long been thinking of getting to  
>> work on Asymptote so you would give me an excuse actually to get  
>> started.
> When you want to start using graphics elements inside LaTeX files,  
> then I'd recommend to start with TikZ/PGF. Among the advantages is  
> that you do not need/do not depend on any external utilities. Your  
> workflow is very straightforward and simple. In case of bugs you  
> have only one dependency: that from the author. No-one else needed  
> to upgrade or patch and then rebuild the external utilities. The  
> fonts used in TikZ/PGF are exactly the same as used in LaTeX. It  
> cannot happen that by using am encoded LaTeX font of the same name  
> the text in the asy picture is also re-encoded – and may read  
> something different. Similarly when you decide to save some trees  
> and reduce the font size from 12pt to 11pt or less. With TikZ/PGF  
> you do not have to change anything, other graphics packages are less  
> flexible. Moreover, using XeTeX or LuaTeX you can use non-English  
> text for labels and annotations, even Right-To-Left scripts. TikZ/ 
> PGF also has clever concepts for repetitions…
> 	texdoc tikz

I have had the above for a long time and from what I have read of it  
and about Tikz, I have long planned to learn it but "right now"  
Intaglio, is "la solution de facilité"---and it is always "right now".  
However, I am already using tikx-cd---which, admittedly, is cheating--- 
and tikx-cd is indeed very nice and will put up with things I would  
not have expected:

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And, note, I said "work", not "learn", and even less "use". I know  
enough not to. But, for some---unknown---reason, I am intrigued by  
Asymptote. Maybe it is what is left of the geometer in me.

And I will learn Tikz---but, "right now", I don't have the time.


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