[OS X TeX] Jumping back to the last position in the source file

Claus Gerhardt claus.gerhardt at uni-heidelberg.de
Sat May 7 16:30:50 CEST 2011

Thanks Herb,

I didn't know about KeyBindings, but shall use in the future.


On May 7, 2011, at 13:25, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> Howdy,
> It is possible to do some pre-existing key bindings (not bound by default) for ALL apps that use Apple's TextView framework. You can get more information and a sample file that does this (bound to Ctl-X Space [yes, that's two key strokes] and Ctl-X Ctl-X [ditto]) as KeyBindings.zip from <http://public.mc.com/herbs2>.

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