[OS X TeX] Pandoc

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 01:48:08 CET 2011

On Feb 26, 2011, at 6:09 PM, Rob Rye wrote:

> On Feb 26, 2011, at 7:04 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote:
>> Has anyone had experience with Pandoc? <http://johnmacfarlane.net/ 
>> pandoc/>
> Your note regarding pandoc intrigued me. I would love to have such  
> a tool at my fingertips. I have downloaded and installed everything  
> and run an extremely simple test converting a brain dead  
> simple .tex article file to a .html file. The conversion looked  
> fine, but I have no idea how well things will go if I push it with  
> more complex files.. When I get time to do so, I intend to report  
> on its efficacy. As noted in the original post, pandoc does appear  
> to be extremely versatile, what I don't yet know is whether each  
> sort of conversion is also extremely finicky.
> For those interested in trying it out, it is remarkably simple to  
> install the Haskell platform and to then install pandoc. The  
> Haskell Platform, is available for download at:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/mac.html
> The pair of .dmg packages that comprise the download will install  
> everything you need to have in place in order to download and  
> install pandoc (following the commands copied above). Note that  
> documentation for other modes of installation for the Haskell  
> platform (e.g. installing GHC, etc. piecemeal) indicated that XCode  
> was required for GHC...
> Iif you want to have pandoc "globally" available you will need to use
> cabal install --global pandoc
> This will put pandoc in /usr/local/bin. Otherwise the executable  
> will end up on ~/.cabal/bin and you will need that folder in your  
> path to be able to use pandoc.
> I will stop for now for fear I may be straying off-topic for this  
> list, but, I the threads Alain mentioned suggest I am not the only  
> one with interest in being able to convert .tex files into other  
> formats for various and sundry reasons.

One reason is that the way to epub is paved with html. So, I may bite  
after all.

Best regards

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